So is conan done or is there a 5th Age coming?

Anyone still working on conan? :slight_smile:



I think all the major updates are done. Im talking major changes the scale of these “Ages” we’ve recently seen. I think that the new “ages” will be smaller in scale, and will aim to tweak the game for a smoother experience. Im hopeful, but skeptical, that the devs will try to iron out as much as possible glitch wise before they drop this game and completely move to dune.

Who knows, maybe the trickling of money from the Bazzar will keep them servicing the game for years to come.

I think they are, at least from my view, trying to set up the game to be more rewarding for a singleplayer experience. I mean this entire last age has alot of singleplayer advantages and events, even if the difficulty of doing these events solo is DS levels of hard. I mean you can do the purges at will, and even controll the difficulty based kn the amount of treausre you put into the coffer. Long gone are the days of waiting for a purge to trigger (which on SP took forever) and purge levels based on regions are long gone. Now we even have a (seemingly and hopefully) permanent npc base to raid for an offline PvP style experience. We now have npcs that can walk around and sit autonomously in taverns, we have a mobile NPC trader, etc.

Yea feels abandoned. Unfortunately, they have left so much opportunity on the table. :frowning:


There won’t be an Age of War Chapter 5, it’ll be Age of [Insert Name Here] Chapters 1 through 3 focused on major story and Chapter 4 focused more on bug fixes and winding down that particular Age. This was explained by the developers in a live stream.


Really? I know these questions are sarcastic attempts at humor, but if you can look at a calendar, you have a good idea when to expect the next Age. You need better material.

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I guess if someone is not 24/7 streaming dev playing they think the game is abandoned. Talking about needy.

Which is a little dumb if you think about it:
How would people be working on the game if they are talking about their work on the game ?

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We need an age of slav- uh commerce. We need to be able to make our own autonomous shops (especially for RP) so we can make money without fear of getting robbed blind on an honor system.

We should also he able to sell our sla- uh thralls lol

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Well, the next age is about to nerf thralls for Down But Not Out, so there’s that.

Not sure when they are implementing worker thralls as physical entities.

Age of Civilization sounds like it’d fit.

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Conan has been “done” for years. For several reasons. I imagine if funcom were to make GTA they would stay 50 years and get buggy. On the other hand, if the rockstar was in the conan project, it would be the best survival game on the planet. Life that goes on.

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:grin: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:


Why so dramatic? I understand people get mad at changes, but honestly alot of the QOL stuff that works is all welcomed. I mean so far for me everything works. Only 2 things that ive run into is the thralls sinking into the foundation when the server reboots and the eye of nergal being wack. Thats it. Everything else seems to just be changes or alterations you need to get used to again. Everyone gives this game such a hard time.

It seems to me that alot of complainers are the sweaty type of PvPers that min max to kill eveeything that moves, and they get angry because the smallest tweak ruins their perfect player slaying builds. But thats just my opinion.

Just ignore the stupid crappy bazzar and battle passes as if they dont exist and youll be fine. Only money funcom has ever gotton from me is for the isle of siptah dlc and the aquilonian dlc. The game i got second hand from ebay.

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so you never use inventories?


All the time. I read posts from people having issues, but I’m not having issues with inventory.

Periodically dropping though build pieces when some people logs in? Sure.
Stairs and roof/floor tiles going soft when some one is running a purge? Yup.
Certain level purge and/or purge + event, crashing server? Oh ya.

Menus and inventories not so much.

ETA: Yes, still advise logging out on solid ground.

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If ya dont know anything, best to just be silent as your opinion isn’t helpful one iota.

Yes I do, but other than some fps stutter when I rapidly scroll through a full inventory (I blame my xbox one S GPU), thats about it. The other issue, which is more of a gripe from people, is the new split stack procedure. It isnt a bug or glitch. I am in the minority then of people who actually like how they redid it i guess…

well, that you have to leave your inventory in unsorted to properly transfer stuff, which then spreads out the inventory is very annoying, as it may lead to empty chests in previewing them because the first slots are empty.
That if you sort your inventory by name and set it to no sort afterwards and try to transfer an item, it doesn’t transfer the item but reshuffles itself.
that you can’t see the expiration time of eggs in the compost heaps.
that you don’t get item infos displayed in several inventories, like in animal pens.

Those are just 4 very annoying things about inventories, that I am sure, are not intended


I was actually replying to @THEMANTA and not to you, but i am glad to hear that your inventories are peachy, that is a great relief.
My thralls sink into foundations as well or port right into sinkhole at the obelisk, but i myself do not fall through foundations.
Still, by reading the comments, I recognize, that this is a serious issue, that affects a lot of people and is very serious.
It would be great, if you could take a similar position, instead of diminishing an issues importance, by sharing your anecdotal non-experience of it.
That doesn’t help much tbh


Not the point. From reading the posts on issues with inventories it really has every thing to do with hardware; PC, Xbox, PS, and how you actually use the inventory.

When the game started swapping using the a drag and drop, I stopped drag and dropping items.
When the game stopped letting me take items from a chest/bench. I changed sort types and back, and haven’t had that issue with that chest/bench since.

As far as other sorting options I’ve been using the drop down menu a lot; to just have items from a particular DLC, then use the sort buttons.

When trying to figure out what is causing a problem, first eliminate what isn’t.

I’ve experienced this every time I logged on for awhile. It’s like a session is started over and over until there is a solid connection and solid ground. It’s not happening if we hear the same “ending” over and over… “Oooo Ooohh nooo oooo OOO OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo…” I mean it is noticeable.


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