So is conan done or is there a 5th Age coming?

I mentioned a couple of issues in my reply to THEMANTA.
If one already knows things that don’t work, I would appreciate FC to deal with those, instead of analyzing things that do work :slight_smile:

The solutions are limited in both feasibility and success.

For instance, nothing auto sorts to top anymore. This is especially inconvenient no matter which sort option is chosen.

Additionally, dumping items used to start from the left and go down. Shifting to next item as you go along. Now it’s ass backwards, starting from right and goes up.

This is especially frustrating because, as there’s always been, there’s a bug that auto shoots you back up to the top of your inventory.

So for each item you’re attempting to dump to dump or remove, not only do you have to scroll down because it does not auto populate to top, the bug shoots you up and must remember it’s backwards shifting. Each item.

You shouldn’t have to change your sort option to simply move something. Or equip weapons/armor. Or do anything! Those sort options, as understood both as CE but in the industry, is standard preference. Now its required.

I can’t do the most simplest of logical moving and sorting of inventory unless it is no sort. This is ridiculous.


I sort by heaviest first. Not having those issues.
When they first made the change the double click select would move to the next item on the left not stay and the next item one the right move to the spot selected. I thought “what fresh hell is this” but the hotfix after fixed it for me. Working as it always did.

I’m not saying it isn’t an issue or not of importance, I’m saying I’m not having issues and I sort by weight.
Should it make a difference? No.

No you shouldn’t.

Once and a while I have to go to no sort because I can’t remove items from a container. I go to no sort, and back to heaviest and it works fine again. But it’s rare.

My one request and it behooves me to make it, is restack. I have no idea how but I keep ending out with multiple partial stacks. I’m terrified funcom might try to do it.

But this is why people are upset. 2nd attempt to make the overhaul “fixed” and the majority is still experiencing all these issues.

My sort option was always heaviest first. If I chose a specific type of item, they auto populated to the top, this doesn’t happen anymore.

So lets say I want to sort all consumables and I need to dump all the garbage alcohols I picked up along the way. For whatever reason, they all have different weight values. I mention this because this is sometimes even for weapons and armor right? But even if they’re made the same way, have the same values, they still end up in a bunch of different spots, so I’m scrolling up and down trying to get rid of the garbage or move it.

So I’m playing yo yo up and down sqoodilidoo, %&%^&%&$^&)@@&&#(@#^$ and then I’m just about to give up.

This whole not auto populating, not being able to equip or move and assbackwards selecting are my issues. They’re not something you just “get used to” and “adapt”. These are completely opposite of QoL, it’s made the exercise of using my inventory one of frustration and futility.


2 days ago i was farming and fighting in Dungeons a bit. I ran an over encumbrance build and had LOTS of stuff in my inventory, during battle the server was lagging quite badly, and i got hit a bunch of times.

But i didn’t have any healing items in my wheel bar and i was poisoned and almost dead… so i was a bit hectic and mashed the buttons.

However, by accident i changed the sorting of my inventory… :person_facepalming:
The custom inventory should be saved as well, just in case something like that happens by accident. Especially with an over encumbrance build!
… and i died in that situation btw… couldn’t find my potions in time. :joy:


Why don’t you have them on your hot bar?

Sounds like poor prep to me.

Wheel bar. If you used them all but you have some in inventory, how is that poor prep? The point they’re making is because of the mess that is these new sort options they couldn’t grab the potions quickly.


Right!? People are so quick to crticize. Lol


Yep, the removal of ‘custom inventory’ (apparantly because ‘no one used it’ and the dev’s ‘couldn’t see why it was needed’) is a colossal step backwards. (And before someone chimes in - ‘no sort’ is not a replacement for ‘custom’, because ‘no sort’ does not shift items back to the layout the player had intended, it just leaves everything wherever the previous sort option had dumped them.)


Hell no. Think like a programmer for a moment. ‘custom layouts’ took up space. Imagine each player having their own custom layout for every container they have (and don’t own).

Now there is none of that custom layout. ‘No sort’ just turns it off.

Aren’t you the guy that calls officials “public toilets”? (Totally justified of course)

Usually i have no struggle with the game and to prepare myself, but if lagg and rubberbanding kicks in it’s not exactly the players fault.
Did you never die to an unlucky chain of events?

Imagine this happens during a raid, the guy bombing and/or looting pushes that fvcking sort button by accident in the heat of combat.
… same bs for the defenders of course. :woozy_face::triumph:

And that’s the worst thing about this inventory UI system. The sorting options are fine by themselves, but if you push that button by accident it probably takes a lot of time to reorganize it.

My inventory was so loaded it took me almost an hour to store everything where it belongs and reorganize my inventory again! :rofl:

But that’s what over encumbrance builds are made for aren’t they, grab EVERYTHING you can! :money_mouth_face:


Ding ding ding. This is what pushed me over the edge. I am Base Mom, bomber, organizer and backpack. How can I effectively achieve results and workflow if I am battling under the pressure of an assbackwards QoL “improvement” whilst being bombed or bombing?


I just had a flashback to when a teenager. Back then, computers weren’t ubiquitous and only weirdos like me were into programming.

I still have a vivid memory of explaining to my mom how computers aren’t meant for regular people, they’re meant to be used by programmers.

I’m glad I managed to make some progress over the years since then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The point I’m making here is that when your users criticize your UI changes are a “colossal step backwards” in terms of UX, replying with “think like a programmer” is the pinnacle of bad software development.

Wouldn’t it be great if software development were a field with many different ways to solve one problem? Oh, wait…

…which is a colossal step backwards in terms of UX. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


We are not going to agree on this. One basic rule of being a software programmer is to know no limits. Of course, that can be taken rhetorically. Of course, you can disagree. It doesn’t change the fact of memory usage and when to call it quits at some size where that is too big. Physical size is not a priority to a software programmer, whose perspective is outside the box.

What is your ouroboros point? :man_shrugging:

It’s been not even two months into their established three month update cycles. Are you so impatient that you want time to bend, or is this just more low effort bait?


I thought my point was simple and clear, but I’ll state it even more clearly for the record: you’re wrong, the inventory changes were a colossal step backwards because they made the UX significantly worse.

Every memory usage optimization must be backed by data, otherwise it’s as useful as a fart in a spacesuit. Even when you have the data, there are multiple ways to perform optimizations, with different tradeoffs.





So you are not trolling?
Ok. Let me take this joke seriously for 5 minutes then.
In November i will close 5 years in this forum. Can you imagine how many times this game is done or died?
Make a guess!
About chapter 5… Huh?
They already said that this age will have 4 chapters instead of 3 that age of sorcery had and guess what, we got chapter 4 :woman_shrugging:t4:.
They prepare new age now and probably we will have beta in the summer. Yet i would recommend this time not to release the new age on September but on October. August is a vacation season and these fellows deserve to have some rest for the new age.
Yet guess again!
Someone will come here to complain for people having vacations…


Great post @CodeMage

My job is literally integrating our different programs across the factory into a UI for floor personell to be effecient. In otherwords make programming logic into lamens terms for the average floor employee.


No. You are obviously not a visual thinker like me. I’ll try to interpret what you simply wrote. You are telling me I’m wrong, and you said it was a clear point? Was there anything else to add, more objectively?


Maybe it’s not about being a visual thinker, but about the language barrier? Whatever translator you’re using, it’s not doing a proper job, as evidenced by the non-sequitur usage of “ouroboros” in your previous reply.

Look around. You can see concrete evidence that it was clear to a number of people. If it wasn’t clear to you, I can keep trying to bridge the communication gap.

“UX” stands for user experience, “UI” stands for user interface. The argument was that the UI change was bad because users are reporting that their UX has been negatively impacted. What kind of objectivity are you looking for?

Speaking of anything to add “more objectively”, do you have anything objective to back your claims? Did you compare database sizes before and after the change? Did you do any memory profiling? At the very minimum, did you at least hear from a Funcom dev that “memory usage” is why they made this change.

Or are you hiding behind “objectivity” because someone dared say that you were wrong? Language barrier is something I can work around, but arguing in bad faith isn’t.