So is conan done or is there a 5th Age coming?

so of course some reasonable development of the game is totally fine and yes some changes especially regarding thralls are really good

I was very pleased with AoS to be able to have two thralls, which increased the possibilities of their choice - before it was de facto just a fighter, ideally a berseker
Now of course it’s optimal to have a fighter in the team ( and yes still the berseker is the best ) but now others make sense (archers and dancers) , plus now there is access to previously very hard to get thralls through the purges.
And of course the new inventory management is a huge QoL improvement over the previous slow setup via radial menu.

But the problem is that there are other changes that often don’t make sense and are clearly ill-conceived , plus a lot of the new stuff is clearly not being tested.
Not to mention that even when a bug is found - on the test server - FC doesn’t even fix it and release it on live , only sometimes after a subsequent wave of anger from players they fix it …

TLDR - yes I’m not against in-game development but it has to be reasonable and most importantly tested , which is not the case with how FC approaches CE


Spoken like the actual troll. :rofl:


You feel like you need to argue that? Between us? That is not being objective. You are being evasive while trying to poke holes in these arguments on these threads.

“We can’t have QoL improvements to the game because @CodeMage says so.” (or, simply, argues with ouroboros). :roll_eyes:

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It was not an argument. It was a suggestion about why we have a problem communicating. Do you think we have no problem understanding each other whatsoever? Or do you “feel like you need” to make everything into an argument?

“You’re being evasive”, says the person who demands objectivity without providing any objective arguments. :roll_eyes:

Except that’s not what I said, or even implied. Kindly don’t put words in my mouth, especially when you’re pulling them out of a nether dorsal orifice.

What I did say is that a so-called QoL change is bad because a significant portion of users claims that their user experience has been negatively impacted.

Again, I’m not sure what “ouroboros” is supposed to refer to in this context. If you meant “circular logic”, that has a form of “A => B, therefore B => A”. While “because X said so” is certainly not a valid argument, it’s also not circular logic.

Anyway, it’s clear you’re not actually interested in anything other than dispensing vague Delphic utterances and being hostile to those who point out there might something wrong in what you said, so I’ll leave you to it without bothering you anymore.


Sounded more like hasbara.

Someone crossed the line. There was no reason for it, especially to be made more subjective without any conservative motive.

I have no motive to do that. This obviously isn’t your first entanglement.

That’s all you had to say… instead of this preliminary text wall you put up. I listened to a few members here about your approach. I feel something scary with that.

You need a punisher comic book to look over and sleep.

Good lord the level of depth y’all are going into for petty argument’s sake is astounding. I hope y’all apply this same level of care, effort, and persistence to things in your real lives and not just in a fourm arguing with random strangers to no end.

Its like watching 2nd graders going into an in depth battle of the minds reguarding who eats more boogers. Stop it.


It’s called “flaming” in or out of canon/context. It’s easy to do, so I usually avoid it. Sometimes those generation gaps just need to be demonstrated. I have no rant here atm. Good day!

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Lol well said

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So far, “tweaking” put the game on it’s last legs.

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How so? Runs fine for me on old hardware. I could care less about the sweaty minmaxing PvPers combat preferences, if thats what you’re referring to. They’re usually toxic and their manners are terrible. Battle pass and Bazzar? Meh i just ignore all that BS. Dont have to complain about it, just remain silent and vote with your wallet by not buying.

Uh falling through your base floors randomly? That same new bug allows you to walk through other player bases also, troubling if on pvec especially. Also, purge glitch allows those same sweaty players to level your base when youre offline.

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Yeah only sweaty pvpers are toxic. That is why i have seen multiple posts about exploiters on pve servers with the purge. [sic]


Not so sure it’s random. It’s tied to something, a purge, or event, or level of purge. Maybe even some one logging in to their hoard base of 12 vaults.

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The Toxic PvPers found an exploit and came over to PvE servers and continue their toxicity by abusing game bugs. You are correct in your sarcastic remark, sir.

Can you figure it out for funcom please. :rofl:

It’s a toxic troll on a pve server. The same personality as the spammers and over builders. Your narrow sited anger filled aspersions show you fail to understand a toxic player is both pvp and pve, and yet neither pvp nor pve.


Why would PVPers need to come to PVE to raid bases? They just have to pick up free bombs from Al-Merayah and raid on PVP servers without going through the difficulty of even getting a purge to spawn?

Exploits are used in every game mode and many are unspecific to each.

Really though, no one even mentioned PVP up until you did and it was to insult PVPers. That is toxic in and of itself. Or perhaps your MO is to jump to conclusions because you have some PVP trauma. Although I’ve seen your comments, not exactly friendly now are we?

Get over yourself.


Falling through foundations not happening to my game thankfully. Single player mode. Series X

You seem to be the angry one here friend. Have a snickers and calm down. I see you and the other gentleman are content with adding more repetative and endless shouts into a void about trivial complaints to the rest if the plaerbase that cant to anything about it. Alas, good day to you amd the other fine fellow, I have bigger fish to fry.

Hope you get everything you want out of the devs and this game.

Im on the Xbox One S (last gen) and even im not having this issue on my prefered PvE server and Singleplayer. Idk man. Wierd.