Discussion Thread: Age of Heroes

Sounds like an Age Undreamed of … like an Age of High Adventures! That’s why I’d like to thank you in advance, Funcom. :pray: A serious thank you! :kissing_heart:

That was an aspect that I was missing from the beginning in Conan Exiles. Sure, the Hyborian Age is brutal and full of nuances beyond the naive good versus evil thinking, but there were still heroes - true to the motto:

“Crom! … I have never prayed to you before … I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters’ that two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, Crom … So grant me one request: Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!”

And if you also get yourself as Heroes of Bug Fixing in course of comming age, then you will live on in song and legend! :+1:

But now the most important thing: What do you think we can expect in terms of new content?




And here is the link on the official homepage to supplement it:

There you will find also links to that stream on Funcom’s channels at Twitch and YouTube.


Thanks for sharing!


Well, I don’t know what to expect as “Heroes” can mean everything and nothing particular at the same time (unlike war and sorcery)

You can be the hero of gods, a hero because you killed a powerful monster (so, PVE additions) , a hero because you killed other powerful heroes (PVP additions) , a hero because you offer shelter to people and build nice things … etc. :rofl:


Well, then we can probably agree that heroes do extraordinary things, ZigoSid? ^^’

I hope that with the next age a PvE content will be implemented that allows kind of much more difficult endgame. Maybe an world boss or very last and very hard dungeon where you really CAN NOT afford to make ANY mistakes and at the end you can say:

“By Crom! … If you’ve done that, then you’ve really achieved something in Conan Exiles.”


You’re my Hero if you… fix bugs first and foremost (falling through foundations & floors for one, but there are lots more and fixing without breaking others would be great), add QOL and let me customize Thralls (like Orb of Nergal change of hair etc.) - then you can take me on high adventures.

Improvement on communication and more sensible Bazaar pricing would also be very heroic.

And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Really??? THIS is the most important thing in your opinion? Not the countless disconnect’s , the insane lag due to overloaded engine not being optimised, the infinite fire bug, the hacks, the skybases, the glitches?

I get the excitement for new content I really do but please don’t feed them the idea that new content is what’s important for this game atm bc It feel’s like we need content removed so we can come back down to a stable version of gameplay.


I didn’t leave out the bug fixing in my post, Savilex9.

And yes, the opinions of others here are important to me - as is how we treat each other within the community. I have taken note of your opinion. What are you trying to get at now? Excite you? The development team has already announced that they are now taking a more proficient approach to fixing bugs and I took note of that.

Do you see it differently? Well, then we agree that we don’t agree - so there is no reason for me to address such a question here anymore. And in the end: If you want to make it clear that Conan Exiles is or has become an unplayable game for you, then you can simply stop playing it. For me it isn’t. It’s not all that complicated.


I don’t know what you mean by this so I’m just gonna ignore it sorry.

If you call weeks of waiting for literal denial of gameplay bugs such as the battleye kicks a more profficent approach then idk what to tell you but it sure as hell aint proficient.

So the simple solution to the problem would be to stop playing a game I paid for instead of asking that the devs prioritise fixing the bugs that make it unplayable? It’s not a problem for you probably because you play PvE and don’t notice the lag as much as a PvP player.

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However … There has been an allusion to songs and legends surrounding the stuff with the heroes, one can expect that perhaps playable musical instruments will also be implemented finally and performers will receive an update or makeover.

Saying and doing are two very different things.

Their announcement to change cadence to improve quality was exactly what many of us asked for. Was it in their cards or was it a push by the community? Do we need to know if they come true on this claim? I don’t care in the end because they did say it and they did meet that request.

I think both meeting expectations of new content AND quality can be done at the same time. After all, they’ve stated they’ve hired new staff (what that staff is we don’t know).

However, we can’t ignore that games require being functional and for many right now it isn’t.

It’s been over 3 months that the foundation bug has been at its worst, 7 months since it initially started. Begged for something to be done. Announced it was a difficult bug. Is this priority? What is priority?

As of tomorrow, it will be a week since the BE kicking problem. Players were begging for an announcement and finally yesterday an announcement was pinned - but only in the forums. On Monday when they returned to office, they didn’t even acknowledge it on their social media and is still being silent there. Today thankfully some more questions are being asked but has been communicated by many dedicated players that they’ve already troubleshooted the majority of the content of those questions.

8 months of uncontested hacking on PC PVP with nary a word other than a vague “we’ll advise/looking into it” recently. Which has been a growing issue for years.

I won’t leave out our console brethren either; it ain’t pretty there. Years of buggy content we never see on PC, instability, loading issues, optimization problems.

While you may say things are not this complicated and surely it is just a game, it’s something that the most loyal and dedicated players have stuck around for even when things have been bad. Even some of those people are leaving… How are newer players supposed to develop any interest if they get kicked repeatedly, get hacked, fall through foundations?

Promises of better communication. It’s hard to say if that is truly happening. It comes in spits and spurts and seems to be more focused on self congratulation rather than assurances and actions. I will give Dana credit where it’s due (and always mention it when it happens), finally got an answer to a question today.

Prioritizing gamebreaking bugs and issues would mean they post everywhere, all social media, reddit and even the unofficial discord asking players to give them as much information as possible. Frequent updates about the concern, what ETA for a fix looks like and assurances that they care and want to fix it.

I’m not stupid or so self absorbed to believe Funcom and CE are MINE as we’re consumers of a product. It is a means of entertainment for me but also my love of the Conan universe. So the game means something to the dedicated playerbase - supporting it by means of playing the game itself or purchasing DLC/BLB content helps the studio continue.

I’m looking forward to what Age of Heroes means. But it won’t matter if I can’t play the game.


fuuck yearh age of heroes lets goo i hope its gonna be so much better than age of war i cannot wait to dig into it :smiley:


Hey Kiki, your comment is undeniable in terms of both, quantity and quality!

After all this topic is not primarily about theorizing existing problems but rather about the next upcoming content. I don’t want to deny the value of critical comments in our forum here, but in my opinion they belong in forum posts that are explicitly dedicated to these other important topics.


Bugfixes are an obvious expectation with any update, so I’m gonna gloss over them when theorizing what content is coming. As always, I’m putting my money on a religion rework somewhere in there and I will keep bringing it up until it happens.

Age of Heroes goes along with their recent catchphrase that’s been said since AoS, “you are the hero”. This could mean a lot of things, optimistically they finally finish the corrupted attributes, and religions provide ritual “buffs” as per the unfinished data in the devkit.

Or they superbuff thralls into becoming heroes and jimbo will cry over babysitter build 2.0


my first thought was exactly this. it’s about as open-ended as it could be while still staying “on-brand”
and that’s not casting shade on it, i think its a good thing. throw some simple thematically-varying events at us for the next year (they already have enough event systems in place to do this) and spend the bulk of the time bug fixing and getting the game in shape for it’s eventual sunset.
what will actually happen is anyone guess. well find out next week i guess. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the compliment!

Indeed, we’re very fluid though and conversations tend to evolve especially if a certain aspect of your OP is focused on. These are heavy on minds.

I tend not to try and theorize too much on what any Age brings until I see the the truth. Been disappointed before - Age of WAR, thought that meant a focus onto PVP; admittedly biased of course.


3 concern

1 current state of the game in general.
(Lacks of fixes , some are really easy ti Fix but funcom stopped fixing )
(Battleeye isbstill a thing . And we are about a week old since this started)
(Performance with oficial servers are terrible)
(Falling thru building pieces)

  1. Communication improvements ( they never came, Lost count how many tines it has been promised) how this Will change , for real .?

  2. Q/A . How exactly Will they improve it ? How exactly is this process Will look like ?

Please funcom do not come with unrequested changes. Please please please.


Nah, RagnarRandom! I just want to trust that the update will ensure a little more respect for roleplaying in Conan Exiles. In fact, that was something I’ve been missing since the beginning. And since I stopped playing PvP because of lack of time and instead started enjoying building and finally playing through all the PvE stuff, I would be happy if my prediction comes true.

Ultimately, that is the essence of Robert Ervin Howard’s novels: Adventures and heroism. If new content in the next age of CE ensures that this atmosphere is fostered, then that doesn’t mean anything to me. :sweat_smile:

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I fear that there will be no more drastic changes to PvP in the future. :confused: I’m assuming that the whole development in the future will lead to finally fixing all the bugs and introducing mostly PvE content and certain aspects to enhance the atmosphere of CE maybe. But that’s just an assumption and I could of course be completely wrong.