This Game is a Joke

What is going on, honestly? I’m not even going to bother pointing out anything because there are too many bugs to list. Giving feedback is a delay tactic. What is the deal with the Siptah map and the game in general?


Looks like all the manpower was moved to developing “Dune” and we got the “treasure room” as an expansion + dozens of snap decisions that made a mess.

We need to start some kickstarter, buy out Funcom and then make them develop Conan 24/7 :rofl:


HAD, had the potential.


It’s all good FC got their money and got paid while “applying what we learned from Conan Exiles” (ie. mistakes never corrected. Far cheaper to just release another game with the fixes and get paid again for their “troubles”)

Make sure to purchase their new practice game (Dune) so they can learn again and sell you the knowledge in yet another game (after they refuse to correct the mistakes in Dune ( and there will be a metric ton, just follow past games’ complaints)

This is what is called in business a pattern of policy.

Don’t expect it to change unless it becomes illegal to do to custormers (don’t hold your breath as predatory monetization practices are putting on metaphoric (partial) additional rooms on their home with the profits (bazaar, just wait for some awesome loot boxes down the pipe)


Ah yeah I noticed that Stygian medium armor in Bazaar. Best medium armor in game according to some.
The beginning of power creep?


$$ Never $$ .

No it’s the bazzar system! Buy it until i nerf it :rofl::rofl::rofl:.


This is false. I’ve seen the same devs working on Conan Exiles as I did several years ago. They’ve added people to the CE team and are even still hiring.

If anyone was moved away from CE, then it was done 5 years ago.


Different direction by far though.

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Have you ever seen the Theurgic Aegis armour?
That was where the nifty stats for premium content got started.

Correcting the issue would be a rather simple matter of improving the Khari, Godbreaker, or other pain in the @$$ gear sets to an equal level.


This would make sense to me . Just like the old dlcs. Cosmetic only and no advantage.

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Personally, this one would prefer if all “premium” outfits were free to craft illusions that are applied over whatever actual armour is being crafted.
Assuming, of course, we don’t overhaul the crafting benches to select stat bonus and appearance at time of crafting. Which is a very unlikely thing.


If we are talking armor, just give it all base stats, illusions like you said and slots to add effects like temperature resistance, extra armor, stamina, etc etc etc. Helms can have gas masks, boots can have speed or endurance for running, hands can have climbing.

I would say hands and feet get one slot, helms two,chest and legs 3 each.


As long as the bonuses are not purchased.

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You’ve seen a list it is up to funcom to update.

They are? Really? So you work for the funcom personal dept. to know this? You don’t know any more then funcom tells you.


I agree . when I started with conan two years ago it was a different game , both in gameplay and technically - and it was great with a promising future.
What AoW released is for me for example the “continue” button in the launcher is more of a joke . It used to work normally ( mostly ) but now ? 9 out of 10 times I turn on the game it tells me in the lobby that I have a high ping - the legendary 9999 , just jump to the menu and back and there is the usual 30-60+ (depending on how many people are on the server )

I guess until the next chapter our clan will just maintain the base , then maybe we’ll play a bit again …if it’s worth it
In the future Medival Dynasty will probably win it for me , new map and coop , what more could you ask for. I’d rather build than fight anyway.


When I watched the Age of War live stream, I thought, is that all? Changed weapon and stamina values, a treasury and clan emblems? The disappointment was great. However, in the weeks that followed, a different attitude took hold of me. Funcom needs more time for the actual update, but didn’t want to console us with a postponement. They could have said in the live stream: We’re sorry folks, but unfortunately three months aren’t enough to bring you the next age. Here you can see some things we are working on, see you in 6 months.
But instead they gave us a bite so we could have at least a little something. So I’m not as critical of the development as I was in June and before that. Now Funcom just has to hit out a real burner in Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 at the latest! If Chapters 2 and 3 are as puny as Chapter 1, then I’m happy to join the mob with the torches and pitchforks.


After 8k hours since launch a conclusion that I’ve come up with regarding this game’s enormous amount of long-term ‘bugs’; they can’t fix them. Seriously, with the amount of outcry over the years this has got to be the only answer. It’s not that they won’t, it’s that they CAN’T… whatever buggy crap is inherent in this game now is ingrained and never going to change.


I’ve beta tested a few times and had conversations with the same people over a few years now.

So yeah… the idea that the project is merely on lifesupport or diminishing in anyway from losing people is utterly false.

So you are part of the “test group” that feednacks the changes over yhe last year are what the whole community wants. Well good job [sic].