Fix your game please

hello, I come again to write about how bad the game is on consoles, the state the game is in at the moment is unacceptable, it crashes for everything and nothing, you open the challenges menu it crashes again, the rendering is horrible, and they continue to put more content instead of focusing on the important thing that is fixing the game, I’m tired of the situation and the developers don’t care, I hope they do something, because it’s really serious, I love the game and I’m frustrated that I don’t be able to play minimally, thank you


They really just need to fix the bs and so many people would stay playing it


Revert the game back to pork thralls

The only problem could be that there’s no handwavium in stock.

If it just were as simple as “just fixing it”… Do you even know the size of the source code base that needs to be checked to find bugs? Frankly, I don’t, but by my estimate it should turn out to be > 25 GB (the complete compiled game with all DLCs, etc. in binary form is > 100 GB).

That’s was a horrid time in conan literally super dead when that was happening. 1 shot everything plagued the game and almost no servers to play on

Golam crash meta

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They’re likely running on a Skeleton Crew right now, Remember they’re now working on a Dune game.
Most of the people who probably could speed a fix along are elsewhere for the foreseeable Future.
Your better of Body Vaulting any important gear and etc, and checking back at a later date.

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Please no

I’m pretty sure it’s a different team making dune

There not that big of a company, I’d doubt they can do different team Projects?

I’m pretty sure when tencent bough majority of their shares they have to financials to have two separate teams or at least added additional help for certain people to just focus on dune

I’m sure it depends on their skill set. Dune needs ground up coding, well UE5 up :smile: Conan exiles needs
coders familiar with Conan’s unique changes to UE4.

in my opinion they are excuses, there are no excuses when they know that the game is in the form it is on consoles and they continue to release battlepasses and updates of new content, before chapter 3 the game was much more normalized but now it is horrible again, it’s always been like this and it always will be, players completely lose their temper and rightly so, I’m sorry this is my opinion but it’s reality


If there is a fix for the golem crash, please note it is affecting Greater Rocknoses as well so if any fix that is specifically targeting these models, please lump the greater rocknose in that as well.

Has anyone figured out the Root Cause of any of the issues yet?

If they fixed all the lagggy issues on ps4, fixed people going through ceilings and buildings, tweak great axe like don’t nerf it to ground make it still viable same with archery, and do something about goomba like maybe they loose more stam when they do the double jump or something the game would be dope, making it 50-60 per server and focus on pop growth bruh the game would be crazy good. They need to also over haul main menu/ server list it just ain’t it lol we need to know time zones atleast especially for new players

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Tbh great axe is overpowered should be nurfed by 30 to 40 % damage i can kill fully gearlyed players with 2 hits and no one talks about this but its so overpowered last stand should be changed to something else i miss the days where the game took some level off skill to play daggers and greataxe are super overpowered also the golam fighting other npcs and makeing u disconnected from server in a infinite loop for hours is the worst thing in the world i pray everyday for golams to be removed gas sliwing field mixed with the damage buff with daggers and u are 100% died so imbalanced i know this wasnt tested properly please note i play at the top l and unkillable golams that dont take any damge off pvp so i know what im on about not someone that thinks they know thanks for listening

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Use starmetal weapons on the golems and they melt in seconds.
Your welcome.

Did u not read there invincible i know about star metal im a 10k hour player lol