Once a GREAT game. can be again

Please Dev’s drop the DUNE for a good month and fix this great game on all platforms. (not even sure a month is enough time to fix it)

we all know you are excited for Dune but you have a great game here just needs some attention before you lose more or all player base.


you know its not the same dev team their working on dune, conan have their own dev team

funcom has said this so many times

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They have, but where are they?

Persistent problems for months is not the way to do this.


Do you remember the lead up to the Siptah drop?
For a paid DLC they left all the XBoX player with a memory overflow that made the game insta-crash if not fail to load entirely… For months.
Letting things fester is entirely on brand.


no matter what they have said it so many times

dune have their own dev team and conan have their own dev team

They also said they would improve their communication, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ever heard the term “second string”? My opinion funcom moved their A gamers to Dune and left us with interns and part timers.



Of coarse Conan exiles and Siptah can be great but not with who is developing it now. Not said this about any game; as I recall, but I think the Conan exiles title would do better if tencent took it from funcom and gave it to a crew that cared about it. funcom quite obviously doesn’t any more


Nah, I started a week into Siptah on Siptah rather than EL.
So I missed the pre-cursor but I do remember crashing at start.

Lucky you.
It was a gods awful mess.
Memory overflow big made the game unplayable for months on XBoX, radio silence on the slew of bugs on PStato and PC. If it wasn’t Siptah, they just clucking ignored it.

Of course, Siptah has it’s own issues. Despite that laser focus, it didn’t test well during the initial beta. The modifications made were not universally loved and were, as with all of this game, released in a far from complete state.

But that’s the story, isn’t it?
The whole story.
Funcom is working on something else, can’t be bothered to fix what’s busted, and when that something else roles out, it’s in a woefully incomplete state. Noises about finishing it later are made, but instead it’s off to races to prep the next new shovelware grade update. As nauseam.


I’m not so sure a completely new dev team would solve anything. The game team and initial vision have changed enough hands over the years that the resulting spaghetti code is likely making any real solutions really difficult. Part of me thinks the only real solution to a healthy game would be for one unified team to start over from scratch. But that will never happen.


It was a healthier game when they made content for themselves not an outside entity. Communication was a little better then also.


They wouldn’t have to start from scratch, a lot of assets are reusable. But ya, a rebuild/clean up to U5; well 6, and optimization would save Conan exiles.

If they got started on it now it might be ready for alpha testing when Dune starts to fail.

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A focus on creating. Enjoyment. The beauty of the game.

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They have to revert the last stamina changes, or at least balance better. PVP combat has suffered greatly since. I know there are plenty of other things for them to fix too but there was quite the exodus of players that timed very closely to that change…

If they solved all others problems, PvP is the last thing to worry about.

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maybe we will hear something soon. been 3 months since last minor fix… unless they break till after Saints Patrick’s day lol. took Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas break. time to get back to work :stuck_out_tongue:


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They don’t care, it’s obvious at this point. Content and gameplay keeps on getting worse, PvP aspect has been destroyed completely, it’s only a role play building simulator as far as Funcom is concerned.

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