Poll => Combat Changes

And theres the truth of it.

I host a Testlive server but don’t tinker on it much due to my experiences testing AoS Ch.1-3. Since I was invested in the implementation of Sorcery I did report bugs to FC only to see them go unaddressed and go live. My time was literally wasted. I only maintain my Testlive server to make sure there isn’t anything fatal going on with the game changes but subtle stuff like this doesn’t even hit my radar until its too late. I really wish there was some transparency on not just when a bug is acknowledged, but a genuine “it’s gonna take us a bit to fix” or “we can get that taken care of soon” vs the after-the-fact forensic statements we get now.

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‘Stout’ has also had its effectiveness diminished since the stamina changes came into effect. A smaller stamina pool means a smaller armor bonus conferred. I suspect it is now not much better than Iron Hard Muscles on the old Attribute system.

I tried it &, like many, did not care for it. It felt clunky and the npc reactions were … not good, to be kind. Thankfully I run my own server and installed @Xevyr 's amazing mod. Game experience is miles better with that mod installed.

Thank you so much @Xevyr for that mod, and all the others you provide. You are truly a treasure :heart:


Why the big time gap? AoS 3 to AoW 3. What’s wrong with just reverting to AoW 2? I’m genuinely interested.


This one can only speak for themselves personally.

AoW brought us something that reminds this one of what AI would think Souls like combat is. The rapid stamina drain and recovery. The dominance of a rolling meta. The general inability to complete basic combos without specific builds. Especially the roll-premacy, it’s very silly. Then there is the infinite stun lock, or why your thralls (if you bother to use them) all died during the purge.

This one personally prefers something more like the older system. But if all we can get is back to AoWC2, that’s still a mercy.


:100:. He definitely is! I 've seen a YouTube video with his mods and the game was looking way better. I believe it was 100 days progression, something like that.

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Gods, pre AoW actually had a sense of accomplishment killing something.

Now? I feel like I’m fighting with a wriggling fish in hand. It may or may not connect, if I do not lock-target I can forget about it. Even when I do it’s a fumble.

I’ve been here for years but these changes have all but killed the game for me.


Untreated fungus will spread to other nails. It will deform the nails pretty quickly which causes the skin to become inflamed on the parts where the nail grows inwards. Later this inflamation will turn into a purulent bacterial infection. And this infection can spread to your bones if your lucky. If you stop treatment before the fungus is completely eliminated (until the nail is completely grown back), you risk that your body develops resistance against the fungual medication.

Yeah fungus infection seems about right as analogy for Conan Exiles. :joy:


I’m honestly lost here. Could someone fill me in?

I use a controller, so maybe thats why I’m not noticing much?


This one’s pharmacology professor was much want to note how difficult a task was by comparing it to removing toenail fungus without killing the host.

@tobbiusness the issues are significantly less pronounced when using a controller.
There are a few frame delays added here and there and a few issues with over swing and loss of targeting, but those of us using controllers are spared the worst of the issues.
For those not using controllers, basically, an extra layer of jank was added to make facing changes, especially rapid ones, a pain in the fourth point of contact.


It does sound like they are looking at cross play and that could be a cutting costs move to stop paying so much for the server count CC for officials.

If Dennis is lurking, I plead to not do this in any game mode for competition. Even with the changes, mouse and keyboard precision will still dominate the range combat. Also in game communication would need to be addressed. You can merge Xbox and PS but Kbm folks still will out perform the rest of us with their input options for hotkeys.

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Yes it’s true! Playing late game gear seems like nothing big happened. Because the damage the bosses are doing is not big deal. Yet npcs really hurt, so be cautious about it.
But what’s the real change and how you can understand it? Start a new character and go face an uneven fight.
Normally, i would be happy for it. The thing however that ruin it all is that now agility is conquering for good. For a pve build, if you wish to be invincible, no matter the opponent or the number of the opponents, 20 agility, 20 vitality, 20 grit. So you double roll and no opponent will ever land any hit on you, yet between your double roll, exercise a small time frame between.
So we become monkeys, circus clowns!
It wasn’t this way all these years, you could fight each boss with grace and almost no dodge at all. So either strength build, either agility build, you had really good standing in fights. Now strength build goes second category using handy cap the absolutely necessary agility build.
We lost the female grace while running!
Now we lost the battle grace too!
It’s not bad, but not good either!

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Strength work great with shield.

I play on PC with mouse & keyboard & the changes are very obvious & they are not good changes. It feels like the player was given the ability to turn mid-attack but then the player got nerfed & the NPCs were given this ability instead. That is not a fun gaming experience. Not for me, anyway.

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I found the problem I was experiencing; I have a new pc so I installed CE for the first time and left stick dead zone was defaulted to .55. Once I reduced it to minimum, my controller behaved “normally”. I put that in quotes because the thing I still see which I believe is a bug, is that sometimes my facing becomes stuck. Otherwise controller is behaving almost indistinguishable from before. I can make it get a little wonky by changing the movement settings, which I believe is the part thats got everyone thinking what theyre experiencing is intentional “combat changes”. My suspicion is that with the next hotfix after the winter vacation, what a lot of people think are intentional changes will get resolved. It can’t be too bad considering that with controller, which is regarded by so many as inferior, tackling mobs in places like New Asgarth is still fairly trivial. To me that screams bug on keyboard and mouse if its suddenly awkward and difficult.

I’ll share this here so that it’s easily available. This is the poll from my channel. If you want to vote you can here



The issue is on both interfaces, its mitigated if you have stationary rotating camera off though. You also won’t usually notice if you press forward while attacking.

In this image the character is facing the camera. Since I am not pressing forward while attacking, the character is attacking in the direction they are facing and NOT the aiming point (the dot on the HUD). If I was pressing W on my Keyboard or Forward on my Controller, then they would attack the aiming point or at least try to.

The fix Funcom needs to do is get the character to automatically turn towards the aiming point when attacking from stationary, they don’t have to snap to it instantly, and I don’t even suggest they queue the attack until they are aiming. Just rotate the maximum distance the weapon allows with turning and readjusting and then attack. This works when you hold a forward movement input.


Great sword?
Great axe?
Do they work with shield?
Anyway, it is what it is , so be it!

Currently this is instantaneous, you’d add an animation delay? If so, locked or free?
Either would shake up combat, though more so in the case of PvP as you’d need to dodge to escape. Admittedly not a major issue either with current stamina regen rates, but still.

There’s no delay in animation but in turning. Your character only turns around 90-120degrees at a time between combo steps. Its fast enough that if you hold forward while facing backward that the second attack lines up, but the first attacks to the side.