Premium Battlepass should be converted into croms


It’s entitlement then. Ok. :smile:

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Agree. It really never was. I thought I would buy Premium, but I noticed immediately it was worthless. Bought the BP and cleared it in three days.

I think they understand you very well, but it still doesn’t make sense :man_shrugging:

when you spend money, you should be clear about what you will get for it. if that is not the case, then you have to inform yourself beforehand. in this specific case, funcom has at no point made a secret of the fact that they will adjust the BP/XP if they consider it necessary. now funcom is doing exactly that and you are interpreting it as a fault by funcom, even though it was already announced as an option before the start of the BP. so where exactly is the mistake other than in your understanding?

so if you decide to spend extra money shortly before the end of the BP, then you should be aware of the conditions under which you are doing so. the chance that there will be extra XP from funcom increases with every day that we approach the end of the BP. this is so obvious that it completely eliminates the basis for any reclaim.

aside from the fact that the value of the boosts (whether premium or separate) was farfetched at any point during the BP, it’s really not funcom’s problem that people get impatient and spend money 3 weeks before the end.

so if you’re willing to spend money, the really smart option would have been to wait until 1-2 days before the end of the BP and only then buy the last levels for money.

impatience in no way justifies a refund.

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They forgot to mention this anywhere in the game though. They also forgot to mention the duration of the BP. But they didn’t forget to create a FOMO effect and trick players into purchasing a premium. Very good business practice. Good for Funcom they have so loyal zealots that will defend their questionable practices :+1: :+1: :+1:

There are several things that I take issue with regarding the current state of the game.

If you review my forum activity, i think you will see that I am not an apologist for Funcom.

Funcom may have created an environment where FOMO was possible, I won’t argue that.

However, it didn’t work on me, while it did work on you.
You are unhappy with your decision to buy the Premium Battle Pass.
I am not unhappy with my decision to buy only the Standard Battle Pass.

Do you see the symmetry there?

This is just another confirmation that users usually read what other people say very inattentively. I haven’t purchased anything. Even if I wanted, I can’t.

um… so what is your complaint then?

apologies for not realizing you did not purchase the Premium Battle Pass.

For those that did, and are unhappy with their choice, my analogy stands.

:point_up_2:This. It was very easy.
When they did the livestream they said that they will give the opportunity to players that do not have a lot of time to play, to buy levels!
I do understand that some people do not follow close the news of the game and I respect that.
Closing I will say that I wish your dream come true, it won’t hurt my pocket just theirs.

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I understand just fine. I just don’t agree. There’s no fault or blame here, only belief that you deserve something because you can twist the logic into believing you do.

Sure, it could. In fact, they could let us have everything in the BP upon purchase, without grinding through any challenges. Or hey, they could give away the stuff in the BP for free. And the Bazaar, too.

I wonder why they don’t :wink:

I don’t know if I would call premium BP “rewarding”. It had a certain value when you bought it, now it has less. But “rewarding” is not what I would call an option to skip playing. :man_shrugging:

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Right. Tricking customers into spending money with FOMO and then removing restrictions explicitly letting anyone to achieve the same result — absolutely nothing wrong with that… And you even find words to accuse the deceived of falling for dishonest tricks.

I wash my hands of it.

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thats…very… upsetting

Are you kidding right now? If you want to talk about FOMO, look at the Bazaar. That’s where you get real FOMO tactics, and it’s completely unnecessary and gratuitous, designed to pressure people into buying stuff.

BP is something you spend money on, then grind in a couple of days without needing to spend any more, and you get all the rewards and your virtual currency back so you can spend it again. Applying “FOMO” to BP cheapens the word, and makes those of us who complain about real FOMO sound less credible.

There was no dishonest trick at any point in BP. Right from the start, the premium BP was an option for those who just couldn’t be arsed to grind through all the challenges.

I personally would never pay to skip playing the game, because that just sends reinforces the bad habits in this industry of making the games intentionally less fun to squeeze more money out, but I respect the people’s right to make that choice if they want to. They’re entitled to it.

They’re not entitled to getting their money back when they suddenly realize it wasn’t worth it.

And all of this was known from the beginning. They explained that you have to complete the BP within a certain time period. They said how long, more or less, that period would be. They acknowledged that it’s possible to cheese it in single-player and that they’re okay with that.

Not even this XP adjustment is a surprise, because that they said they would be tinkering with and adjusting BP and BLB as time passes, based on the data they get.

There’s no trickery here, and the only dishonesty is on your end.


Do you have an informant in Funcom that told you that or did you make it up? Because this is very much the crazy talk that someone puts out when they just want to make crap up.

There’s no misdeeds, no lies, no misleading, no misinformation (except that made up by statements like what was quoted). And unless someone has a credible source behind those closed doors, then its simply crazy talk.

The only mistake made by Funcom was releasing a Battlepass that had no inspiration behind it, no real value, and is utterly boring. The values they used for exp were NOT a mistake. Here’s why:

When they started the monetization they stated in the livestream (for 3.0) that they were TRYING something out. Using metrics and feedback to see where they should make changes. A mistake would be to NOT do this.

Also I would point out that the OP didn’t make a mistake either. He was unsure of his ability to finish the Battlepass in time. He had no idea that the boosts would be available 3 days after he finished (livestream telling us about the boosts was a week ago). Depending on real life issues (I don’t know or pretend to know his situations), he may have had a real fear about completing the last 15 levels.

He wasn’t tricked into doing this. But at the same time they’re also innocent of the ordeal. I mean those who are being apathetic to him spending an extra $15usd, put yourself into their shoes. How would you feel if that much money you just spent over a situation suddenly gets remedied after the fact?

His concern amplifies what I said early about the Battlepass not seeming like its worth buying in the first place. The very reason he bought it, evaporated after doing so. Now after other’s are reading this, who’s going to buy it in Chapter 2?

Is anyone reading this intending to buy a Premium Battlepass in Chapter 2? Is there a single person?

You see the only mistake Funcom made was in creating the Premium Battlepass to begin with. Whether they added the end of chapter boost or not. Which is why I asked before what was its point? The niche cases for anyone wanting to buy it is just too small.

When I got to Bojangles and order a Cajun Filet Sandwhich, it has lettuce and mayo. When I get the Cajun Deluxe, I get Bacon and Tomato.

Where’s my Bacon with my Premium Battlepass?

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you got the bacon; with the Premium Battle Pass you decrease the amount of time required to complete the Battle Pass in comparison to the Standard Battle Pass.

If the Cajun Deluxe went on sale the next day, would you go back to Bojangles and ask for a refund?

It’s negligible. It’s very easy to complete the BP.

no argument here.

That’s why I didn’t buy it. I saw no value in it. They must give something better with Premium or make the BP more challenging.

I dont see any value in the Premium Battle Pass either.

I thought this discussion was about someone who was expressing Buyer’s remorse after purchasing the Premium Battle Pass.

I don’t have much more to say on the subject that I haven’t already said.

Have a good day all.

Saving time would be cutting the sandwhich in half.

Paying to not play a game is not a deal. This would be like paying an extra $15 for a version of Super Mario 3 with warp whistles enabled.

I really want to see you take the stance of paying more to play less is a good deal. I mean why not pay $300 for the game to uninstall itself?