PS4 June Update - Discussion Megathread

Please use this thread to discuss the June Update for PS4.
Discussions of other patches and platforms should not be held here but in their respective forum sections instead.

Patchnotes: PS4 - June Update (18.06.24)


So new season hasnā€™t started yet? the 5000ish limit per day is slowing my progressā€¦ pretty sure were near end of season, and only in 20ā€™sā€¦


2 Things.

Iā€™m Really Happy Sorc Event is back. Was my fave one.

Iā€™m Really ANGRY Jag event isnā€™t there offlineā€¦ I paused updated, went offline so I could spend my fangsā€¦ and the location is empty. (tried setting my date back) Nothingā€¦

More FOMOā€¦

I wish you would keep Vendorsā€¦ or give them a small new camp they all huddle and hide in for turn ins.


Hopefully this means that youā€™ll have time to fix things like the bazaar build sets and everything else. It would be great to finally return to the old, proper Conan gameplay where you actually had to play to achieve something. For example thereā€™s no point in one hour thralls, whereā€™s the challenge when nobody can stop you from getting every single thrall you want? And the loot, stamina regen, attributes, perksā€¦ You have made so many things pointless, like exploring for recipes, getting the better weapons and one that bothers me a lot is the complete removal of the need to get climbing gear or using climbing upgrades if you wanted to climb high. The perk takes care of that so yeahā€¦ Boring. Maybe remove the snap-on explosives and return them to the way they were so defending would once again be a bit easier, now thereā€™s basically no chance of that when you canā€™t even build proper defenses.

You have a lot to straighten out if you want to make the game interesting again. But weā€™ll see where you take it from this point on.

6 months/Chapter.
Letā€™s see how well that works. Itā€™s likely a far more sustainable pace.
But will they keep the new 4 Chapter/Age format or revert to 3?

Anyone had a chance to see what the new items cost from the headhunters and if it is a recipe or a single piece?

This one wonders what prompted the dropping of the Battle Pass. While this one loathes such things, it also had itā€™s vigorous defenders.
Probably because it generated comparatively little revenue especially compared to the inflating costs in the Bazaar. Now this one wonders if this will generate more revenue for the Bazaar, or if it will just flatten off spending.

More Yamatai stuffā€¦ yay.
Meanwhile other cultures with a much larger footprint in the source material continue without development at all.
But perhaps it will be popular.

Any thrall nerfs ride in with the resuscitate option?

Overall, the slower pace will hopefully improve quality. And this one is in favour of more realistic release paces.


IDKā€¦this feels abrupt. To change this much on established monetization and game updates without a promotional event like a dev stream feels like CE is been put on ugly stepchild status.

I am concerned that while the intent seems just (slow down and get it right), the issue of new content is going to become an issue and revenue will start getting affected.


Thrall changes make me happyā€¦

I see + and - of it.

Iā€™m sick of seeing my lv20 thrall drop in a few seconds to group of high end enemiesā€¦ or fall damage.
On one handā€¦ turn off fall damage. Solve one of major issues.

Down systemā€¦ 3 strikes seem abit safeā€¦ timer means nothing, since you can just lock them away at home in a safe room. So 15mins or 24hour wouldnā€™t mean much.
Qol is a Qol I guess.

Game has changed so muchā€¦

Remember back in the day bringing a thrall to the volcano? If he stuck a pinky toe in lava he was auto deaded.

In survival games you should have to worry about losing stuffā€¦

They are pretty reasonable. There are a few single buy pieces but there is also recipes. The most is a recipe for armor. Khitan slaver maybe? 2k obolus. Not bad. Got loke 100 obs withon a frw .inutes of farming skulls. Big issue is thralls cannot be ko anymore for some reason. So no turning in sorcerors alive. But you cant even ko regular thralls. So no more blood for sorcery.

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@Croms_Faithful Found it! :joy:


Is this the last battlepass this season??

I donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to prove here, but everyone hated that. The fact that the AI is so stupid is the problem. Literally no one wanted to bring a thrall to the volcano because you could kill your thrall by going just about anywhere. It was pointless. In fact, even the npcs were stupid as I recall seeing Risa the Brutal 9 times outta 10 walk right into the lava before you could knock her out.

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This update was large enough I had to delete some unused garbage from my console to get it to download/install. Was stoked to see why it was so largeā€¦ only to be massively disappointed in none of the issues I have with the game were addressed.

The precision stacking is still not working, at least not as it did when it made sense anyway. Can only assume it makes sense to someone, just not me. And I am sick and tired of the game attempting to put my entire inventory into a bench or putting entire inventories from storage into personal inventory.

This makes the game extremely aggravating to play so much so that I am firmly in the you donā€™t get my money camp. Only logging in long enough to refresh base timerā€¦ so maybe three more months before I forget and it decays. In any case, I cannot justify paying for something unenjoyable. Chaulk me up as another user youā€™ve pushed over the edge.

Logging in gained an extra hiccup.
Not game breaking, just requires an odd confirm of PSN connectivity.

The returned Witch Hunt finally has the recipe for mad prophet outfit.
Given the rate of acquisition for the oboli, it seems quite reasonable for most of the items.
The Khitan on Siptah still ramble about Mek Kamoses, which is still a bit sad. Also, the abrupt loss of something engageable on Siptah is not loved.

There is an odd situation where some enemies cannot be bludgeoned.
Black Corsairs on Siptah, might as well be bandits in Sepermeru. Other enemies seem to be functioning fairly normally.

Sacred Hunt may be over, but Xil still frequents the pubs.

Overall, would have preferred more warning, but fairly positive on this oneā€™s side.

Edit: Oh, everyone check your followerā€™s HP.
That got changed for a few.
Gotta ā€œencourageā€ players to use the new resurrect ability by ensuring the minions go down more.


This wasnā€™t due to Funcom. There actually was an issue with the PlayStation Network last night. I was having issues with every game. Eventually, it ironed itself out and I had no issues.

He got a taste of the good life and canā€™t go back. I donā€™t blame him.

I would, but I canā€™t be bothered to currently. They all dropped below my base. Again. :face_exhaling:


We have the sprint bug very consistent now. Yesterday i had to log out log in multiple times to remove it.
Then the servers were crashing easily ā€œlost connectionā€ returned again :confused:. Thank you for reminding me what frustrated me the most in the age of sorcery arrival.
My dear devsā€¦ Hotfix please, thank you!


Oh fvckā€¦ now iā€˜m scared to log inā€¦
What is it this time? :rofl:

Edit: at least your character amuses us with his acrobatics.


Falling thru textures isnā€™t part of this update.
They added the random chance to drop thru floors walls and everything else some time ago.

Honestly, itā€™s been a feature for awhile. But it used to be focused on building under the solid surfacesā€¦


All those lovely lady dancers. Itā€™s science. :+1:t2::tumbler_glass:

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You did indeed @Rust. A big thankyou to yourself and @Nethermore for being wonderful, helpful members (unlike some othersā€¦) and linking me to the update. I should clarify that I actually generated my post, spell check aside, the night before then hit send the following morning, at around 6:45am in my countryā€™s time. The news looks like it broke while I was fast asleep and I did not catch it before I posted. Story of my life. :laughing: