I paid for the items in the bazaar, why in hell do I have to connect to any service to use said purchases?? I mean, WTF?? These items are rightfully mine and need to reside in my computer, dammit, just as all the packs I purchased. this is ridiculously asinine, I want the items I paid for to be in my posesión, not yours! This has to change, bazaar items are in no way different than, say, Architects of Argos pack, or Riders of Hyboria… why??
I thought you pay for crom coins.
He’s referring to the marketing trick where you pay for the fake currency rather than the item in the game store. This way they can obfuscate the transaction so you don’t realize how much money you’re actually spending, since you’re not actually buying anything in the store. You’re only buying the coins or gems or whatever.
Anyway, I agree in principle that we should be able to use those items offline. In practice though, they still need to verify ownership. Doesn’t matter how they decide to juggle those, but it’s pretty clear which one has to take priority.
Yet all the packs are available in the bazaar as well, they don’t just poof if you happen to have a big storm that disrupts the flow of internet services, hence my anger. Items purchased in the bazaar should be no diferent than Packs. I get what you are saying, but yeah, the point remains standing. Imagine if your Argossian Villa simpy disappeared because you logged offline
Bazaar and Battlepass items are linked to Funcom Live Services. Cultural dlc’s and Isle of Siptah aren’t, hence they can be used offline.
That is exactly my quarrel. All purchases should be available offline; I paid for those as I did with the Packs, what needs to change is exactly what you just stated.