" Purge only in one location " Same problem to me here.
Purge are not random for me , please help
Since I playing in conan exiles official pve server more than 1000 hours , untill now I’m rich, I have almost everything in game now.
But only kind of thing I dont have is purge named (T4) thrall , because all purge happen to me since I play this game are not random at all.
I have over 30 purge happen to me since I playing this game but all of them are alway attack at same spot everytimes at my main base.
My main base at the G10 , middle of base at the great dam
My Zoo.
My Derketo palace ( Purge always attack at this spot )
My zoo.
Front gate
Purge are always attack at my main base and my very first house ( Remember this spot from single player because it is so beautiful, So long times ago while I’m still lv 1- 10 , I run from start area to begin build first house here Is it possible if the purge are intend to attack first base that we made ?) , Purge never even touch any of my samll station.
I have many station all around the map
At Volcano - T3 black-ice
At black hand ship - T3 black-ice
At darfari near The Dregs - T3 black-ice
At set city - T3 black-ice
At mounds of the dead - T1 sandstone
At Lemurian - T3 black-ice ( not finished )
At Northern sandswept ruins camp - T1 sandstone
These are just my main station to capture thralls and all of them are never got any purge attack.
Because all over 30 purge alway attack at my main base. and of course my main base is a strongest base I have.
So for anyone who said purge will intend to attack at weak base , that not true.
The purge at my main base are always naked northmen , they are never spawn named thralls because of somekind of bug that I hope dev will fix it someday
But in this discussion I will not going to talk about that bug.( Bug about purge in snow , highland , jungle , and more except all the south zone are never spawn named thrall )
Because of that bug and purge always attack at my main base highland ,They never spawn named thralls for me in purge :(.
I want to know why purge always happen attack at my main base even I have more than 10 station around the map and they are never got any purge.
I want to you to help me think , feel free to share your opinion.