Purge mechanics use in PvE

I am not an offender of the ToC.

None of my builds have walls blocking off content.

I’m not afraid of griefers. I have dealt with my fair share of asshats and I know how to fight back.

I like PvE because I like to play with others and not play alone.

There are ways to prevent griefers from forcing a purge onto you.

Maybe there’s more asshats on EL breaking the ToC and forcing purges on to others, but that is few and far between on the Isle.


I lost 20+ thralls like that including my black Yeti and other great pets. Griefer didn’t loot anything cause he was trying to hide his tracks, but he forgot a foundation so that’s how I found out who it was. Just an old lonely dude who’s bored.

Yeah, the original Purge was better than this mess. I wished they would have fixed the pathing instead of changing to an activated, summoned mechanic.

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Today, I set up a raid-me base.
Unintentionally, the purge camp spawned next to my neighbor’s base. I watched how the Demolishers and Explosive Heads got aggro’ed on the empty building for no reason. At the end of the raid, several building pieces were destroyed.
BUT, if I snuck up on the Explosive Heads and killed them then the damage would’ve been devastating.
So, I talked about this potential risk in the Chat and was told this exploit has already been used in various ways.
One of them is to use a bugged-instant-KO truncheon to knock out Explosive Heads and drag them to wherever you want, then ignite. That way you can demolish any base you can reach while having a chain in hand…

Now we not only have cheaters on PVP but also exploiters in PVE.
The Exiled Lands really is a dangerous place!

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There’s always been exploiters in PVE, this is nothing new. That “bugged-instant-KO” truncheon isn’t just a bug, it was accomplished by someone choosing to exploit a specific mod to tools.

The purge exploit has been ongoing for months and months.

More players are finding out about it.

I’m waiting to see what happens once PVP is completely dead. Heard the hackers have already started migrating.


I know it’s nothing new.
Still, witnessing it happening in front of my eyes and how easy it can been done in a malicious way left me in shock.
One day, my base will meet the same fate. It’s just a matter of time.

I have all levels of sorcery done. I wanted to summon a demon with lots of hp, like a tank. Something changed, however. I see the bat demon, but not the other one. I think this thread offers a clue.

They are not only using it to kill thralls they are able to raid any base, even if you place coffer on your border to force a distance increase to the next coffer they are able to push the demolisher as far as they want just 1 is needed, once breached your base they will kill the thralls using one or two bug disponible. We tought the water was safe place ut i heard relates that they managed to break bases in siptah even in the water. The safest place was high rocks, or pilar rocks, but now that funcom added meteor rain there is new way to exploit it to and put those places in risk. On my server they broken a base in the middle the lava. I imagine the disaster if they put gods on purge.

I’m built in a pillar permastructure with bottom and top levels separated by permastructure floor so even if they call a purge it won’t be able to get upstairs since only access is by elevator. The permastructure will also shield against meteor.

Other than impossible to place purge locations or high up such as pillars like you’ve mentioned this is the best protection I could come up with.


Yep. Build your base in unpurgeable locations.


Underwater out in the ocean

High up on a plateau with unbuildable areas around it on the ground.


@DeaconElie why are you so bitter towards PvE players?

I have been playing on officials for 4 years. Never been banned. Never been told my builds are breaking the ToC. I love the community and help others on my server.

Your super negative, do you even play Conan anymore? You sound more and more like a Griefer.

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I bare no ill will for anyone that follows the ToC.

7 years I believe, but not on the same server.
Been banned from, I think 18 forums and 2 discords :thinking: Never from any server for any game; well except WoW and that had 0 to do with anything in game.

Well ya, I am and have never made it a secret, a cynical pessimist with a sardonic sense of humor.
I still play for a bit to a while daily. And I have never griefed anyone, I may have caused some grief but never griefed anyone in your meaning of the word.

Now how many full bases are too many? 6? 18? 24? When you can always see another of your bases from each base is that too many? Just how much acreage or map squares on a server are you entitled to? If your base is so big I can find a spot to build a treasury inside it, is it too big?
At that point is it an exploit, or retribution on some one that’s sense of entitlement is much, much larger then their share of a server?

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Having an opinion on size or quantity of bases is just that, an opinion. There’s little bearing on ToC.

You know by now after many discussions and references that quantity does not matter to Funcom.

What matters is the impact it has. Having to take an extra 5 seconds to go around a build is inconsequential.

I’ve seen what you’re referencing and have travelled to all 4 corners, went through, on top and around. Do I think it is excessive? Yes. Does it impact me? No. There’s also so many great spots still open that I was surprised. But, I also know how to manage my expectations and don’t rule monger based on my own interpretations.

The ToC itself are guidelines. You do not have to report just because you believe based on your interpretation that it is a requirement.

Being that you have attempted multiple times without success I believe you should have learned from it. Someone does not share your interpretation perhaps? Maybe the system in place did fail you like it has failed so many others.

But I am not experiencing what you claim to.

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Looks like I can fit grandmaster’s and garrison benches inside.

In order to be admind it needs to be investigated. Seems a certain builder on my server dodges ever begin investigated. Need I point out that of the reports I made that funcom actually investigated, 6 of 7 got admined.
The issue is the majority of my reports never even get looked at.

Now you sound like everyone else.
“oh I haven’t been admind, so it must be ok to pave over 3 map squares”
“There’s nothing stopping me building here so it must be ok”
“I haven’t gotten a block limit warning so I must be fine to continue building”.

Do you honestly think funcom admin puts anymore effort in to PVE land claim abuse reports then it does hacker reports?

Now if I had made say 2 dozen reports and all 2 dozen were investigated and only 3 admined, I’d have to agree. But that isn’t the case.

It’s not that what I have reported wasn’t ToC violations, they were just never investigated. Half my reports never got looked at.

And I’m sorry you not finding fault with clear ToC violations doesn’t stop them from being violations.

I also don’t have to report when funcom has made it quite clear, they play favorites.
Ya I said it again, I expect it to go poof again.

So you traversed the stairs and path ways along the top of dagon’s descent which are unquestionably ToC violations, and don’t think they are ToC violations. They define a ToC violation. You not feeling they need to be reported does not stop them from being violations.

This is why I would pay funcom a nominal fee to actually have activly moderated servers.

There are a few you could fit skulkers end in.


I agree that investigation is not exactly what we consider investigation to be. Based on the fact, which you know was admitted here by staff, that they do not actually visit servers.

But what you can’t verify is if they actually got looked at based on what you feel is “looking at”. Again, their “investigation” is based on their internal policies, not our interpretation or expectation.

There is the consideration that your reports that did see action were also reported by others.

Don’t lump me in with those who have unrealistic or lack of experience with the report system. You should know by now what my experience is. I’ve been actioned on 3 times for ToC violations with only 1 being explainable. I’ve watched report wars. I’ve watched when for a brief period internal policies changed you could effectively have a person removed with 1 report with lies. I’ve watched mass reports take down entire servers. I’ve also seen a report do nothing, multiple times. I knew why too and it had absolutely nothing to do with favouritism.

I absolutely believe that it is not a matter of effort between modes. It is lack of effort and that only elicits effort for action based on volume. Go back and look at the ToC where they explain that they gather reports for a server. THINK about what they are saying.

They are not playing favorites, they probably just don’t care OR they did review and didn’t care about YOUR interpretation.

Your interpretation also does not mean it is a violation either.

You want the judge and juror to act… To do what though? Punish someone, because? Why? You have to spend a bit more time? You don’t like the quantity of builds? You want to build close to or where they are? What is the actual problem here?

Or is it really because you believe it is a violation, so it must be reported? This seems to have been your problem all along. This is the wrong mentality to have. Opinion. Not fact.

Anyway, I know exactly what to do to see action whether it is justified or not. But, I would never do it because it does not impact me, whatsoever. I don’t care if you or another believes it is justified.

I’ll continue to leave well enough alone and enjoy my stay, it’s been fun.

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Not investigated, the “we so busy” when they close your report.

It’s not my interpretation, if it’s not clearly a violation; the paths and stairs with landings for instance, I’m not going to report it.

When multiple people have reported the same person multiple times and they never even get investigated…

I agreed to play on the public server and follow the ToC, if I do everyone should. I don’t use the excuse sense everyone does it must be ok.

Not sorry I feel people should actually follow the rules they agree to follow. Where it falls apart is funcom’s sad lacking in enforcement.

So it’s wrong to follow the rules you agreed to?
I judge builds based on the clear examples provided by funcom. If I’m wrong, then the examples are.

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So the problem is you believe they should follow your interpretation of the rules. :heavy_check_mark: Just as I’ve suspected but thanks for confirming.

It’s the wrong mentality because the rules you agreed to follow are for YOU, not for you to report everything you see you believe breaks them.

Again, I am using words such as interpretation and believe because that is what they are.

If it impacts you. Cool. Submit a report.

If it doesn’t impact you, whotf cares? Play and live your life.

Exploiting the purge is a clear violation because it is an exploit that impacts the players that it affects. This is why it is a problem.

A player having stairs up to their base connecting a fishery isn’t. Even if they toe the line though, were you intending on building near or next to them? None of what this person has done impacts me, at all. They don’t prevent passage, from building, despawning unique spawns, benefiting from POIs, nada. Nothing. Even when I go near their bases or they log in and render them, it’s a blip in terms of performance.

Man, you could relieve yourself of so much stress if you stopped caring so much about something/someone that really has no impact on you in the game. It’s baffling.

Whomever purge exploited you deserves to be actioned on. I hope you find out eventually who it was and are able to put in a detailed report.

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Nope always was a thing, even before the new purge system.
In a 7 years old video one of the funcom dev says they are going to make it so purge can be used as a weapon against your enemy as well, so it kind of work as inteded.

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