Purge mechanics use in PvE

It’s not my interpretations, it’s based on the example funcom gave.
If I find a build that looks like they used a ToC violation examples as their building plan. How is that NOT a ToC violation. If I’m wrong, the examples are.

So the point of zendesk and the report system is?

If it breaks the rules it impacts me.

You mean the sort of violation most on PVP don’t worry about because they can just blow it up?

So you still haven’t checked all the walkways and stairs around the top of dagon decent that are very clearly ToC violations? Having stairs down to your fish traps isn’t the same as covering the top of a plateau with stairs and walks ways that server no purpose other then land claims.

Show me any place in the ToC that covers that other then that 1 specific rule.
That isn’t how rules work.

And I have pointed out repeatedly how it does. But hey how it effects me doesn’t count as long as it doesn’t effect you, right?

Has been done, no idea what, but action was taken.

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C’mon dude, you should know ToC and Zendesk are not there to submit a ticket for every single supposed violation you believe is there? Do you REALLY believe this? Something that you believe is a broken rule does not impact you necessarily. You have no obligation to report anything, ever.

All modes are being impacted by the purge exploit. It doesn’t matter if you can go blow up someone’s base or not. It’s not the same as not being able to access a POI because it is blocked, seriously?

I’ve seen the stairs and see where it leads to, it has a purpose. Have you been given the grand tour?

I asked you specifically what the problem was. You explained. You have further explained that because it is a supposed broken rule, it affects you. It affects you because you believe it fits a certain written aspect of the ToC so you believe it must be addressed? Your interpretation creates a problem. What the hell lmao

What action was taken other than you submitting a report, that lacked the necessary information to take action, was done as a result of you being exploited? Or did you actually find out who it was?

Unless you or another witnesses the person doing the exploit or the perp admits it, no one is able to report it accurately.

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28 screen caps of land claim violations? Sure.

I’ve said repeatedly and no one seems to read it, It has to clearly be, and since I’m oblivious it has to be blatant, a violation for me to waste my time reporting it. And when it became abundantly clear funcom does not even check 2/3s of the reports, I quit wasting my time.

A grand tour, on a public server. Think about that for a minute.

How can I get it through to you I’m not interpreting anything? How am I interpreting the very clear examples give in the ToC? I’m not referring to the words but the screen cap examples.
That is what I mean by the example being used as a building guide.

Oh yes, you see funcom gave me a detailed report :roll_eyes:
You know how it works why would you ask that question? All I got was the typical “action has been taken”.

Now usually when I get an “action has been taken” I can log in and run to the spot and do a happy dance where a ToC violating build once stood. No actually those are the times I give funcom kudos for the system working.

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I was given a tour of all the bases, the history behind them and intent. They clearly love their builds and put a lot of heart and soul into them. Again, excessive. Not anything I personally would do but to each their own. But the difference between you and I was that I was given a lot of context. They also go out of their way not to impact others.

You are interpreting. Just like you’ve said in the past that building in a perma-structure or POI should not be allowed. I’m built in one right now. I suppose you think that is a violation too? Come check it out! My build is also safe from purge exploits for my loot :slight_smile:

I see the stairs and connections. Leading to the rest of their build. They aren’t preventing others from building, blocking POI discovery, unique resources from spawning, et al. Nothing. Again, there’s a reason why the ToC are guidelines. They are also there for YOU to go by - to be responsible for YOU. Not for you to use to report just because you believe it is a violation. I’ve read and understood everything you’ve said. I just don’t agree with you because you have a false premise, flawed intent and interpretation. I won’t ever agree with you because the ToC is unclear - guidelines. If you recall we’ve both agreed that they’re unclear, so why are you so intent on leaning on them?

Use Zendesk to report if something actually impacts you. This is the reason why the ToC was created. Like if someone is building right up to your landclaim on purpose, building/walling you in, preventing you from accessing POIs, stuff like that. Something being a possible/interpreted violation is not an impact. You agreeing to the rules does not force you to strongarm others. The ToC was not created for you to run around like a vigilante reporter for Funcom. Based on the fact that multiple reports have not worked, don’t you think this might be something that is not actually a problem?

You can be sarcastically flippant about the reports if you feel it necessary. It won’t give a rise like it does for Nem. If you received a reply that action was taken, what action do you suppose actually resulted?

Now, I do not think you are stupid. Please don’t treat me like I am.

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Show me where it says “context” in the ToC.

They have a full base built on either side of the giver of the potion to the midnight grove. Neither of which were there when ch4 started.

But I do believe we have drug this far to far from the topic.

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Context, use, purpose. While it doesn’t state purpose in the ToC, you know it has been clarified that purpose is the main spirit behind building. That context was given to me and I realized the purpose. Maybe you didn’t know that but your relationships there seemed to be severely strained.

I don’t understand your point about their bases near the Child.

And I agree about too far off topic.

Have I not repeatedly pointed out I have been cast the role of the server villain?
I’m not playing on a public server to make other people happy.

End of line.

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I think that might be your own fault though :confused:

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Basically here:

The rules leave leeway for interpretation. That’s fine.

Since they leave leeway for interpretation, each of us has to depend on a personal interpretation when deciding whether to report something or not. That’s also fine.

We also have to depend on a personal interpretation when deciding how to avoid to break the rules. That’s less fine, but it could be acceptable.

In the end, it’s Funcom’s case-by-case interpretation that determines whether we broke the rules. If we knew that interpretation, we could avoid breaking the rules in the future. Funcom admins refuse to communicate that interpretation. That is far from fine.

Personally, I disagree with your interpretation. That said, I don’t think you’re a “villain” for reporting what you see as rule-breaking. If you do it and it results in no action, then you did nothing wrong. If you do it and it results in rightful action, then you did good. If you do it and it results in wrongful action, then Funcom did wrong.

It’s too damn easy for all of us to turn on each other, but it’s Funcom that consistently fails us.

Need I remind you or anyone else that false reports are supposed to be punishable by rules? Has anyone seen that actually happen? Whose fault is that?


What I see as rule breaking is the screen caps funcom provides as examples of rule breaking. I’m not interpreting the words, I’m using the screen caps as templates.

None the less this is a moot subject as I have said a few times, I gave up on reporting when it became abundantly clear I was wasting my time. Whether a build is or isn’t a violation makes no difference if funcom admin never investigates it.

Okay. There are more efficient memory techniques than using malloc() everywhere. Not saying “don’t”. um just not gonna derail the topic with samples.

He already self named anti social hermit villain Just ignore he the way he play is login search in server to see bases and Begin to cry about everything If a New player make a bridge with 5 foundations he Will talk It rule violation and Will report he It IS How @DeaconElie live , he dont kill Monsters in MAP and dont do dgs/vaults he dont build NOTHING he Just walk in MAP searching others players bases to report or cry about it talking “it so big you base have 3 floors whyy , It Bridge with 5 foundations hurt my eyes , you build are breaking the TOC Theres 2 Bush Fiber in It place its IS a resourse placee”

It IS How he play the game after It he come to forum and Begin to troll and turn EVERY thread in a TOC discution thread.
If you post about food he Will turn It in a TOC discution If you post about Thralls same If you post about combat charges he Will change It to TOC violation It IS How he life now so like many people like to talk:
“DONT feed the troll”

I’m not going to tell you how to play, (not yer Mum), but I’d move somewhere cliffside.

I think the only time I’ve seen someone weaponize the purge was to clear thralls from a freshly decayed base. So I guess I’m lucky there.

Is it possible for you to post with out attacking some one?
With out resorting to lies and misinformation?

Do I live in your head rent free or something?
I certainly seem to be causing you great consternation.

My first thought when this hit testlive; and I’m sure I pointed it out then, was just how easily the new “purge” could be used to grief. I’m surprised it hasn’t become far more of a problem.


Since you are the villain i can be the hero here you are the First one to atack me in the other thread and the only things you cause me is disguting.

About purges atacks the old purges was much more EASY to be used by grifer They Just used to drop the enemys in your house after knocking them out.

As opposed to being able to choose to spawn the new purge close to your victim and then dropping the knocked out enemies for greater effect? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I don’t believe you can knock out Purge enemies under the new system.

Sure you can, if you’re willing to use exploits:

Aaaand a lot of players have it.

It also doesn’t have to be a truncheon :upside_down_face:

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