Purge mechanics use in PvE

This is how players use their purges -just to kill 5 thralls.

All 5 replaced already and barracks built for defenders.

I watched on another server, another player do the exact same thing with explosive golems from a level 10 purge. Their character died multiple times just to kill 2 Thralls there too.

Part of the reason is all my NPCs are equipped with elite gear.

So effectively- free loot. Not that i care since i can build 100s of these suits of armor.

But newer players may get frustrated with people doing this.


I’m not really sure what’s going on here.

Player will lay down a treasure box nearby and train purges mobs to a nearby base.

The idea is two fold- either the other players thralls kill the purge npcs for them OR they get those thralls killed .

Either way the griefer wins since they get to loot the thralls that died even if it wasnt their own thralls.

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Ah I see. I was wondering if this kind of thing were possible.

I didnt think it was possible until i saw someone doing it to one of my bases.

I also check the logs all the time when i log in.

As you can see this instance was 3 separate purges at the same location.

I only have one location for purges where i stock defenders.

Worse then that but wont toss people a weapon.

As has been pointed out lately people are using the purge to raid PVE bases. Something recently changed for them to be able to do it.

Wont be long before PVE will be is as deserted as the PVP public servers.

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Hell no , im not going anywhere.

You dont run when a bully threatens you.


This isn’t a bully threatening you, this is an exploit being used to rob you. The near by purge may have cost you some thralls, but I bet someone gained some nice armor and weapons. And since there is no cop to stop them, why stop at just you?

You are restocking to hand it all to someone exploiting a change to the game mechanics.

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I consider greifers/exploiters bullies. So they get in return what they shell out.

And the said griefer before who attacked where my base was?

Yeah raided some of their friends when their stuff decayed when they got banned. Walked away with star metal and black ice bonanza , thanks kids!

Resources are easy come easy go.

My presence on the server stays as long as i abide by server rules - i am the law.

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It took me one week to get all main t4 crafters back. An armourer and weaponsmith. Lets face it thats all you really need- everything else is gravy for speed or less resource use.

A person with knowledge and expertise in the game - griefers like this isnt going to do a damn thing.

It will however , discourage new players from sticking around as they dont know all the mechanics. It why the game is hovering around 8k players use and has been for 3 years now since i started tracking it.

Official server crappiness is also a problem with 25 + players.

Doesnt include those not on steam though.

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A change to the game mechanics? Didn’t people do this kind of thing with the old purge as well? Or are you referring to a different mechanics change?

People did this with the old system with the Surge altar that you can craft to summon a surge on IOS. This alter on IOS is now a decorative piece only.

It was kinda difficult to do with an old purge since it required a certain number of actions to be done before a purge would pop and even then it may bug out.

The old purge would go after anything at the target base -Walls , foundations , tables etc.

The newer purge goes after the chest, players in area or those thralls with irritate perk active.

So coming back around to my original pic- someone deliberately targeted the thralls , killed them , then picked up the “purge base” they had quickly thrown together.

Rather stupid to waste a purge in this way but hey it isnt my time.

One very utile thing about the Purge is that it is picky AF where it will spawn.
The Stygians are so decadent and weak that if there aren’t huge tracts of terrain that are just perfect, they refuse to even attempt.

While in PvE it is annoying to deal with such a factor… Did we not already have to take terrain in to account under the old system?

Now all those utterly unassailable bases are actually safe.

Also, scrap Golems make an excellent disposable perimeter watch and their lack of any loot of note (that bug got squished at least this one thinks) makes their destruction less enticing.

I did warn you about leaving your thralls out in the open. It wouldn’t shock me if it was the same person who had you banned.

Granted this is pure speculation that this happened on the same server that you were banned on.

I bet you would love that wouldn’t you?

This has always been a tactic used by griefers. Nothing new.

It’s all good though because like @Akomo said the Veterans of Officials won’t run with their tail between their legs like @DeaconElie suggests.

I’ll still be here standing tall with the community of my server at my back.

I have no issue being on a server with ToC abiding players.
was up on the public server I’ve got most of my time in on, some one was wall off all the west side entrances to serpers. Welcome to public PVE.

Not going to give it away but yes a resent change has made it much easier to exploit the purge.

Are you sure? The reason people are on PVE is they don’t want their bases raided by other players. They don’t have that protection anymore.

If I was actually a villain I know of 5 different builds on the pubserver I’ve played on I know I can get in to the compounds of and build. Was testing yesterday.

ETA: Before you go off half cocked, I had to run through these builds to get to places I was going. Like I needed ichor closest is the komodo dragons, had to go through 2 builds to get there. Not around, through. Because it’s ok to block a path as long as you have an open gate, right?

This isn’t recent, only becoming more widely known.


Very true! But we thought for a moment that this was over…
Well… It isn’t :confused:.

@Akomo is very correct and honest. A player with this experience playing in a main server for long time, will have absolutely no problem if this happens. A bitterness surely, but problem no. A new player on the other hand will definitely hate official servers instantly and maybe the whole game.
I believe that this system needs an official opinion from Funcom devs team.

Is it intentional purges to destroy other clans on pve?

If that’s the case and these are the intentions, i will accept it yet not happily tbh.

What do you mean by saying this, i cannot understand it