Pvp Us 8104 unresponsive

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: *[ Select one: Crash Performance | Other
Server type PvP
Region: us
Hardware: ps5 base, ps4 base, ps4 pro

Bug Description:

The server kicked me out and and I have not been able to log in for the last half hour or more. The server still slows up and I can attempt to log in but the loading screen gets to about the t in septa and just sits there. Server shows 9999 ping and 0 0layers ar server select

Expected Behavior:

When I hit log in I expect to actually log in.

Steps to Reproduce:

Get on a playstation device and attempt to log in to us pvp 8104

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Same here, haven’t been able to login to 8104 for some time.

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Yeah, still waiting for it to come back up. Probably not gonna happen until the normal server reset time, cause Funcom sucks at constant upkeep.

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Server is back up had to throw down a temp shelter so I can go to sleep lol


Server 8104 seems to be up and running at the moment. Please make sure to report downtime in the future by submitting a ticket here:

Thank you for your support.