Question of the Week: What's something you always have in your inventory and never leave home without?

Whether it your favorite weapon, a handful of bugs, faithful tiger companion, keys, phone, or wallet, there’s something that you just feel empty without when you leave the house. It could be totally unnecessary but make you feel better to have!

So we’d like to know, what’s that for you in Conan Exiles?


Legendary repair kits


aside of waterskin, food, gathering tools, a weapon, and capture items, i always bring a bearer pack, just in case i need more carrying capacity


Legendary repair kits, food, water… the usual


My Bow, even if I’m taking a melee with me. Besides food, (I always make lasting meals, decent heal and restore good chunk of food and water) I can go out pretty empty handed for collecting. XD


I may forget food sometimes but I always have a pick and a shield on me.


Outside of water, food, and weapons/tools, probably sandstorm mask.

Armor/clothes aren’t always required.

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A Crom weapon. For CROM!! :mountain_snow: :metal:


A Katana, not so much to be used as a weapon, but more to get through blocking pets, thralls or mobs.




It slices, it dices, lights the way to guide 100s of nocturnal KO’s home!
And lightweight enough for a non-farming build to wield!

Act now, and we’ll throw in a Master Weapon Fitting, great for punching thru that pesky armor!

Operators are standing by! :smiley:


Apart from the usual food and water etc…

12 pieces of dragon bone.
To fix my brittle but beautiful axe! I exclusively use the dragon-bone axe for everyday tasks like slaughtering a camp. Good damage and I love the axe design. :dragon_face: :bone: :axe:

:metal: :smiling_imp:


Ok, it’s a small list of things i must have before i go out and that is because when i go out i never come back until my inventory is full, so :
1 Black blood set & chef’s cleaver
2 aloe soups, berry pulp, special fish
3 warchief & my thrall guardian armor
4 strangely, glimmer moon, axe of lion, love tap, sets tongue, truncheon, bindings of the dead.
5 set keys to warmaker
6 final breath and bed rolls
7 my hero :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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utility slot
weapon slot
weapon slot
bota bag/berry juice
dried meat
desert berries
aloe potions
utility slot

Mask always in the inventory
utility slot: skinning knife/pick/bonker/chain
weapon slots can have a number of weapon combos. Depends on the mission.

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Armor, shield, axe, bow (arrows), spear (if using horse), pickaxe, truncheon, bindings, food, 2 waterskins, sandstorm-mask (if I do not own a Commander’s Helmet yet…), legendary weapon repair kits.


Witchdoctor mask (so I come up to perk2 of survivval and gas-mask), 2xKhari flasks, healing arrows and normal ones, 2xlegendary repair kit, 1 potion for ENC, 1 potion for GRIT, blackblood pickle & skinning knife, Maw of the Hyena and Baal-pteor’s Razor (has 0 weight, grants +5 ENC).

I have this “basic set” in several outposts (without Razor and potions) and always 1 hot and 1 cold armor :smiley:

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I always have a witch drs mask and a full stack of legendary repair kits. I like to think that my character never leaves home without a swiss army knife though… and a clean pair of underwear.


Honey and water

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For me it’s the bearer pack. Even though I never stat to carry infinite stuff with it any more I just have the habit of wanting to carry just a little more.

My passion for adventure and fire in my eyes!

(and Baal-pteor’s maul)


My flying broomstick