Report hackers?

I think i was PVP’d by hackers. Dueing PVP hours on PCE, a clan traveled through our teleporter to our base to PVP us. No problem. The issue is, i was at the top of my base shooting them below with explosive arrows. I am a good shot but none of the 3 of their clan took any damage. I opened my door from the bottom and shot them close up and they never lost any health. Confused, i went back to the top. My walls are very high with spiked fencing on the top. One of them repeatedly was able to climb to the very top (which they shouldnt have been able to do without losing all stamina.) They climed over the anti climb spiked fencing without taking any damage. We gave up the fight when we realized that there was any hurting them. They still continued to shoot us through the wall with gas and explosive arrows. This whole ordeal lasted for 2 hours. They waited around for a very long time, not allowing me out of my base. I couldnt even put up a fight beings they were taking no health or stamima damage. How do i report this? They need to be banned. If you feel like you have to cheat then you shouldnt play at all. Official server btw.

You will need video proof, I run GeForce experience set to record on a 10 minute loop. Without clear video proof funcom will not do anything

Of known cheaters in CE, they will continue to cheat in front of you. They use every technique until one works. They are proud of their loot.

That has something to do with hyper-armor. I haven’t nailed it down yet, as I get different answers from other players. Good luck on this one.

Did you observe them teleporting around or laggy spikes? Net limiter on 4 to 5 second bursts of on/off can nullify damage bc who you’re attacking isn’t actually where you see them, it’s like fighting a lag shadow.

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