Rhino: horned attack - no damage

RHINOS do NOT do damage to other creatures when using a horned melee attack. They still can kill by running them over. It’s not just happening to me but ALL the players that have rhinos on the server.

Can confirm. Just tried several times earlier with demon rhino on hyenas and rocknoses. No damage at all with mounted horn attack. Playing single player on PC. No change to mod list since update.

also their hp is bugged or something, my horse has 17k hp but my level 20 rhino whith a war saddle and all vitality perks only has 1.9k. theres absolutely no way a level 20 mount TANK (they are slow and can not jump) has 16k hp less than a horse. why are they so low hp? its bugged right? no one would nerf it that much.

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