Game mode: [PVE: ( Online private )] Type of issue: [Elephants and Rhino’s Are gone from Savanah | Bug ] Server type: [Enter one of the following: | PvE] Region: [EU]
After last patch Rhinos and ELephants are gone from my server ! at Savannah
i only see baby rhino’s there is no builds there to block spawn
On my private server rhino and rocknose are gone, I found lots of these error message in the log
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:080][272]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose_King
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:080][272]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose_King, at location: X=-161499.094 Y=78083.898 Z=-8478.1
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:238][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:238][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=-155781.875 Y=47250.344 Z=-8588.313
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=-157439.297 Y=48327.594 Z=-8382.438
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=-143799.828 Y=41408.070 Z=-8988.660
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:239][276]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=-143143.813 Y=44400.895 Z=-9017.323
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:477][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_RhinoKing
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:477][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_RhinoKing, at location: X=-94340.523 Y=58714.883 Z=-8715.386
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:477][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:477][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=-148531.078 Y=13559.039 Z=-4694.108
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:477][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_RhinoGrey
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:478][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_RhinoGrey, at location: X=-89481.594 Y=38050.426 Z=-7157.350
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:478][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:478][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=81447.828 Y=104269.758 Z=-6342.285
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:478][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:478][282]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=119658.547 Y=87179.297 Z=-14000.479
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:653][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:653][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=128688.469 Y=76695.844 Z=-12413.586
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:654][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rhino_Baby
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:654][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rhino_Baby, at location: X=-82137.039 Y=30820.398 Z=-7034.069
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:654][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:654][286]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rocknose, at location: X=90563.672 Y=121539.023 Z=-11454.830
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:847][291]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_RhinoGrey
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:847][291]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_RhinoGrey, at location: X=-87254.180 Y=34138.570 Z=-6707.351
[2019.07.03-12.20.24:847][291]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rocknose
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:456][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_Rhino_Baby
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:457][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_Rhino_Baby, at location: X=-103835.781 Y=45483.301 Z=-8762.295
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:457][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_RhinoGrey
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:457][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_RhinoGrey, at location: X=-101928.188 Y=39346.730 Z=-8806.417
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:457][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: Wildlife_RhinoGrey
[2019.07.03-12.20.26:457][330]SpawnTable:Error: Data: UAsyncSpawnNPCProxy - could not spawn NPC with SpawnTableID: Wildlife_RhinoGrey, at location: X=-104206.539 Y=43628.508 Z=-8819.487
Obvious question (since it’s a private server): Any mods? If so, have they been confirmed updated to the latest patch? Because that log is all about not being able to match tables with each other (by id), and that could very well be because one or more mods have messed them up.
Probably because you are using one of my Tier 4 Thrall update mods. I’ve finally finished the very long report I worked on and will have an update out in a few hours.
This is definitely a mod issue. You have having a mod that overwrites spawn tables so the expected numbers on the map do not match the numbers in the table.
Unfortunately it is hard to tell cos usually these errors are likely the result of sloppy modding or to many, too big changes.