Rhinos go flying upon death or when harvested

Keep the flying Rhino, but it has to keep the sound. I think that always seals it for me. Reminds me of Chewbacca when they closed bay doors on Hoth, with Han still out in the blizzard. Oscar worthy emotion there.


I hate to say it too, but I also find it hilarious! Always a pleasure to kill rhinos. Makes me feel like a superhero


Now if only we could launch rabbits for fun
 would make great golf balls

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While I too find it funny, this is clearly unintended. If they plan on keeping it they should at least leave a prominent and easy to fine note nearby as some kind of nod to Skyrim, making it into a kind of “easteregg” of sorts.

But I would prefer them fix it. Can’t imagine this bug fix is real high on their list of things to patch though. I would rather them fix the .pak file corruption that seems to happen once a week to many players. And the bug that causes things to suddenly not be owned by you when playing on a server, when you are clearly the owner. To me, these two bugs are the most important bugs to fix at the moment.

If it’s going to be kept, please, at least give us combat music specifically for these Rhinos. Here is my suggestion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TUTJ0klnKk

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The only logical choice would be this one instead (00:50s):


Aaaargh, someone please kick a rhino onto my head :upside_down_face:


And a 9 iron weapon !

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“Keep on rockin’ in the fjord world
” :wink:


Sometimes, I have to remind myself of the basic reason I play.

IJAFG. It’s just a game.

I do not mean to belittle Funcom’s efforts; I can hear them thinking in Louisiana they work so hard. I’m just reminding myself to look for, and enjoy, the great world they gave us.

Fortunately, I have not experienced a lot of the things on these boards, but the bugs I encounter are trivial, or have workarounds, or a bit inconvenient.

I can live with that and flying Dumbo :wink:



It is really time that this game quirk gets fixed. I didn’t buy the game to enjoy comical physics. Yes, it was humorous the first couple of times, but now just annoying, when you have to run long distances to butcher the corpses.

What would make more sense is when they die and collapse, they cause a ground shock wave, like the elephant stomp, that knocks you down. Really, any massive creature could potentially do this, if the elephant or mammoth can stomp to knock you down.

I shall keep this brief. I feel that I simply could not live in a world without flying rhinos.

Also, I feel it would be pretty cool if the airbourne rhino or dragon inflicted damage on any player or enemy unfortunate enough to have it land on them. Allow me to demonstrate:


I guess to first timer player, (not you) its like “WHOA! Whoa whoa whoa! WTF”

To me, its
I know its gonna happen, so I aim down, so it bounces off ground only slightly
but once I have enough hide
its like.
Baseball bat (aka tool) check!
Rhino Corpse! Check!
Lets see how far it goes! whack

Dragons could use gravity back on
 elephant to. One animal need keep it just fo the amusement
 and let it be rhinos.


There should even be an achievement for batting a rhino over a certain distance or having a certain hang time. In fact, it would be great to replace Tower of the Elephant with this since that would not leave us PvE players out in the cold. :wink:


Game mode: [(Online official)]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvP ]
Region: [EU]

i am lvl 60 and when i kill a Rhino 
on the last hit they are flying 
 and its weird because a Rhino its o big and me with my little spear make it fly like a helicopter.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. lvl 60 with spear
  2. kill a rihno
  3. watch it fly

I have a question to others on this thread. This will attract a laugh from some, facial expressions of curiosity from others, and looks of horror from others. However I will ask anyway.

Has anyone ever tried to place their pet on a Trebuchet and ahem
launch them? Is it actually possible or no?


If that feature doesn’t exist, it should.

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Launching Greater Sabers and others into enemy’s base must be forbidden by international conventions as an outrage upon humanity!


And who cares about the poor beasts ? :roll_eyes:

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Funcom please
do not ‘fix’ the flying Rhino bug. Some bugs are annoying, game breaking or devalue our gaming experience. However, some add value, character and flair, and enhance the players experience. I believe this to be a member of the later. It makes us smile and entertains, and that is what an in game feature, intended or not, should do.

We can even hold a Poll on this one if necessary.