Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [ Performance ]
Server type: [ PvE-Conflict ]
Region: [1043]
Hello first of all and happy holidays , happy for everybody else except the comunity from server 1043 , that s been unable to have a nice peacefull time while playing the game they love these days , cause most of us even forgot how it is to play this game without the constant lag spikes that occur a few times a day , there are players that dont leave the safety of theyr houses because they are afraid that the lag will catch them outside , and from a nice farming or pvping day turns out in another one of loseing all your stuff and dieing cause of 1020 ping , there is something seriously wrong with the server , we all realize that the server are rented from a second company , but man , they are not doing theyr job at all or they get ddosed and have no protection . Respect and salutations , exile from 1043 Samu