Server 2728 down?

It has been two days now that I have not been able to find server 2728 in the official servers. Has this server been removed? Anyone know? Or do i need to do something to make it reappear? My items are there, and I maxed my character, but still have so much to do yet.

I don’t think there are any official servers that start with 27, are you sure it wasn’t 1728? Or perhaps it was a private server that the owner named “official 2728?”

No, it was under the following settings: PVE Type: Official, Region: America
2727 is still there, 2729 is there, but 2728 is gone

Interesting that when I search for ‘27’ with all open criteria, none of those servers are listed.

If you are positive about the name of the server (and that it is official), then you need to file a report with the Zendesk.

Edit: It just dawned on me that you must be playing on a console. The above :point_up_2: holds true, file a report with the Zendesk.

BTW ~ Welcome to the forums. :+1:

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