Server advertisement

                  šŸ›”THE HANGOUTāš”ļø

Hey guys, a couple friends and I just started a pve Conan server, trying to grow. If we get a big enough community we may open a siptah map also. Itā€™s open to anyone wanting a chill and relax place to play. Search ā€œthe hangoutā€ in PvE.

:dagger:Map: exiled landsā€‹:shield:
:crossed_swords:PvP events
:chart_with_downwards_trend:Low boosted
:chart_with_upwards_trend:40 slot
:luggage:Keep items on death (for now)
:bust_in_silhouette:Body leaves on logout
:pick:2x pickup
:man_zombie:Boosted thrall/pet conversion
:desktop_computer:(Not steam)
:hammer_and_pick:Tons of build spots
:chains:Community center, open wheels of pain
and map rooms
:hut:Build everywhere activated

Discord: JSam3ZFg