Server Fatal Errors due to item issue

Unofficial Private Multiplayer Server
Fatal Error preventing Server from starting
North America

There seems to be several items that are causing my server to crash due to Fatal Error. The server start up identifies the following items as a problem:

[2020.10.28-18.13.28:231][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:232][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages…
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:232][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages_Improved requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages_Improved
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:232][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages…
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:232][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion_Improved requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion_Improved
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:233][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages…
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:233][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages_Improved2 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages_Improved2
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:233][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages…
[2020.10.28-18.13.28:233][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /Game/Items/BPGameItemWeapon_NPCKnockUp_250.BPGameItemWeapon_NPCKnockUp_500_C’
[2020.10.28-18.13.31:302][ 0]LogStreaming:Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion

Then it tries to progress and then this happens:

[2020.10.28-18.13.37:180][ 2]ItemInventory:Error: Data: Failed to load ItemClass: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:181][ 2]
Script Stack:

[2020.10.28-18.13.37:278][ 2]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:279][ 2]LogWindows:Error:
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:279][ 2]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:280][ 2]LogWindows:Error:
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:280][ 2]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:280][ 2]LogWindows:Error:
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:280][ 2]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:280][ 2]LogWindows:Error:
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:290][ 2]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:751][ 2]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2020.10.28-18.13.37:752][ 2]Log file closed, 10/28/20 14:13:37

With or without mods, the server crashes like this without exception. I can’t find a way around this issue.

As for recreating this on another server, I’ve got no idea how to recreate/duplicate it. All, I know is that BPGameItemFood_HealingPotion seems to be barring the server from starting up.

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I’m having the exact same issue. With or without mods, my save files from before the patch crash while newly created save files seem to work just fine.

Note: This attempt was me trying to start our Siptah server’s save locally on my client at home – a precaution I take to see if my server is safe to launch.

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That confirms the serialization issue I just reported.

Same here using DedicatedServerLauncher 1.1.2. with and without mods.
This is realy bad because oure save is currently not playable.

[2020.10.28-19.57.10:388][  1]Persistence:Warning: Data: ULoadInventoryCallProxy::ProcessInventoryData() failed to de-serialize item 4:18400.
[2020.10.28-19.57.10:389][  1]ItemInventory:Error: Data: Failed to load ItemClass: /Game/Items/Hunger/BPGameItemFood_Healing_Bandages
[2020.10.28-19.57.10:389][  1]

Script Stack:

[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: 
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: 
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: 
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:226][  1]LogWindows:Error: 
[2020.10.28-19.57.11:234][  1]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2020.10.28-19.57.12:078][  1]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2020.10.28-19.57.12:078][  1]Log file closed, 10/28/20 20:57:12
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Confirming same issue on my private server.

Same issue on my private server. New player could log inn and gather for hand, but as soon as she tried to use a tool the server crashed again.

I have found a workaround to this issue and made my old game.db playble again.

  1. open game.db with sqlie editor like “DB Brwoser for SQLite”
  2. in table “iteam_inventory” filter template_id by the following id’s and delete all lines.
    18399, 18400, 18401, 53000, 53001, 53002
  3. Apply changes, close db an start server.

This will remove all bandages and potions from all inventories in your save file.

In the prozess i also had to load some mods because of missing items. Which item was missing could easily read from the last entries of the ConanSanbox.log.

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Possible workaround for the items that exist on servers which the BP location changed… Specifically Serialization, if you don’t have a Serialization error with an item id, this is not applicable.

Disclaimer here, I’ve tested this workaround on my private DBs and not on any heavily populated server. It deleted the items I wanted, and seemed to have no negative effect, but as always, keep a backup of anything before you go making changes.

That said, it deleted the items I want deleted

You should also always stop the server before copying the DB.

Not all hosts allow SQL queries, batch files, etc, so we’ll do this simply. We’ve seen this with bandages (ID 18400), so we’ll start there.

I pull the DB down from my host (FTP, or whatever), then toss it in my local system under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved

In that same directory, we have sqlite3.exe, open that.

Type .open DBname.db (In my case, .open DLC_Siptah.db)

Type Select item_inventory.template_id From item_inventory Where item_inventory.template_id == 18400;

This returns something like, this is just showing that you have that item:
sqlite> Select item_inventory.template_id From item_inventory Where item_inventory.template_id == 18400;

To DELETE them Type: DELETE FROM item_inventory WHERE item_inventory.template_id == 18400;

You can run the select statement again to confirm - which should return no output.

After running this I no longer had healing wraps in any chest or character, but everything else was intact.

Let me know if anyone tries this and how it works out, if it turns out to cause issues (Remember where I said to make a backup), let me know and I’ll remove the tip :slight_smile:

From Gabriela, more problematic item ids:
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18400;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18401;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 53502;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 53001;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18293;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 19605;
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 19606;


This brought our server up:

delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18400
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18401
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 53502
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 53001
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 18293
delete from item_inventory where template_id = 19605

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Just a heads-up, you may want to wait a day before messing with your server’s database. Last time something like this happened (FLS were introduced and chars deleted), Funcom released a hotfix which didn’t require people to do SQL edits. Only in very specific situations, the hotfix was not able to resolve the issue.

@Gabriela @WalkingSteph @timex100 thank you for sharing this info. If it comes to worse, we at least have something to try.

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Its not the end of the problems. I deleted as described (A rather fresh server so it was one item in my inventory) and it startet. I could walk around doing stuff up to the point where I used the pick on a stone. Then it went down again:

Script Stack:
HarvestableComponent_v2_C.Handle Mined Loot

[2020.10.28-21.47.23:954][678]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2020.10.28-21.47.23:955][678]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error: [File:D:\B\tech_exiles\code\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp] [Line: 1137]
[2020.10.28-21.47.23:955][678]LogWindows:Error: Failed to find function GetOwnerWeaponItem in BP_Axe_C /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BP_Axe_C_0
[2020.10.28-21.47.23:956][678]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2020.10.28-21.47.23:957][678]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2020.10.28-21.47.25:022][678]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2020.10.28-21.47.25:022][678]Log file closed, 10/28/20 22:47:25

@Gunslinger Could you share your mod list? Are you running Paragon?

My server had no issues starting after the first mods received updates but now after reading the info from WalkingSteph, Gabriela and timex100, I checked my bandages, now I only have one stack of 10 each even though I had a lot more before. The potions are unaffected.

Yes, I use Paragon.

Its only the pack name here:

I will try to disable some of them.

I think its this one here:

(we had to remove that one for now since its not been updated)

Might be others as well since I dont know all of the ones you got.

Ok? I have not tried to put something out yet, but removing Paragon made it possible to harvest without the server coredump.

We have a temporary solution for Paragon and LBPR until Multigun manages to update them properly. For more details, please join the discord:

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As of 10am EST, after this morning’s patch, the problem still persists. And it looks like there are a bunch of other threads on this issue now too.

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Hey there,

We’re aware of this issue and it’s been fixed internally. It’s currently awaiting QA testing.
Thanks for the feedback.