Server no longer repairs? over a month has passed

Game mode: *(Online official asia 4116)
Type of issue: ( asia offical 4116 is none)
Server type: *PvE-Conflict
Region: *[ asia server official ] [asia]
Hardware: *[ PS4 pro ]

Bug ## Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

*** There are only two official Asian servers for all game modes, and all the servers from the official Asian 4116 servers that were playing from the update a month ago are gone.

Expected Behavior:

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

*** Still no server. Now, there are only two official Asian servers (both the Exiled Lands and Sita Island) for each game mode. Is this future maintenance insurance? will you fix it?

Steps to Reproduce:

If this is the case, I’d rather give up. But if you fix the server, please let me know how long I have to wait Thank you

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