Server was somehow unfavorited and I couldn't find it for 2 weeks

I feel like I’m being targeted or something by Funcom or some in game admin and I don’t know what I did wrong. Here’s my situation, couple weeks or maybe a week ago I tried to go back on the server that I played on and for some reason, the official server I was playing on was unfavorited and did not appear on my list. It was an official server, American region, Exile map. I went through all the ones that appeared on my list but none of them was the server I played on. Just today 11/08/23 @ 8ish pm I found it, the server number looked familiar and it was still unfavorited. Was I temp banned or something by that specific server? Then when I go on, I lost everything that was useful and all my thralls. Weird thing is all my doors, exterior and interior were gone and before you say decay, I thought if you destroy the decayed door then the whole building gets destroyed. Building was still intact, most of my furniture were still there, the only thing gone was all my chests and new vault, thralls, and treasures that I painstakingly collected and built and all my crafting tables. But all my neighbors had their stuff, their thralls, their vaults still intact. And it seems the players on the server carried on without me and had no login issues. Due to this issue my entire base was decayed and my thralls all got deleted because of my “inactivity”. But again my base was intact except for my doors and everything listed above.

Someone please shed some light on this. Oh the only items I kept were things that my character had in his inventory.

Greetings @Sequoya ,

Less than a month ago all servers from North America and Asia were changed and when this happens the favorite servers may disappear from your list, which means that you need to manually access the server again so it can be set as favorite.

You can find more information on the following post: IP changes for Official Servers

You should be able to see on the event log what happened. If you find any thing unusual happening in the event log, please feel free to contact our support team though help desk with a screenshot of the event log:

We wish you a great day!

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