Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1117
Mods: None
Bug Description:
Shift-clicking thrall (and shift-dragging items) in crafting station does not give intended results
Bug Reproduction:
NOTE: Sorting set to “NO SORTING” in all involved windows:
- Open a crafting station with a thrall in the thrall slot and items in the inventory.
- Shift-click the thrall in the thrall slot.
- The game sends the stack in the first inventory slot to your inventory, instead of sending the thrall from the thrall slot, that you clicked.
- Open a crafting station without a thrall in the thrall slot.
- Shift-click the thrall in your own inventory.
- The game sends the thrall to the first available (empty) slot in the station inventory instead of to the thrall slot in the station…
- Shift-drag a stack of items from a station inventory to your inventory.
- Enter the amount and press ENTER.
- Instead of sending the amount entered to the dragged-to inventory (yours), the game splits the stack in the origin inventory (the station’s) - indicating that ENTER defaults to SPLIT instead of TAKE.
- Shift-drag a stack of items from your inventory to a station inventory.
- Enter the amount and press ENTER.
- Instead of sending the amount entered to the dragged-to inventory (the station), the game does nothing - indicating that ENTER here defaults to CANCEL instead of GIVE.