Shift-click and shift-drag between inventories malfunctions for thrall slots and stack splitting

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1117
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Shift-clicking thrall (and shift-dragging items) in crafting station does not give intended results

Bug Reproduction:

NOTE: Sorting set to “NO SORTING” in all involved windows:


  • Open a crafting station with a thrall in the thrall slot and items in the inventory.
  • Shift-click the thrall in the thrall slot.
  • The game sends the stack in the first inventory slot to your inventory, instead of sending the thrall from the thrall slot, that you clicked.


  • Open a crafting station without a thrall in the thrall slot.
  • Shift-click the thrall in your own inventory.
  • The game sends the thrall to the first available (empty) slot in the station inventory instead of to the thrall slot in the station…


  • Shift-drag a stack of items from a station inventory to your inventory.
  • Enter the amount and press ENTER.
  • Instead of sending the amount entered to the dragged-to inventory (yours), the game splits the stack in the origin inventory (the station’s) - indicating that ENTER defaults to SPLIT instead of TAKE.


  • Shift-drag a stack of items from your inventory to a station inventory.
  • Enter the amount and press ENTER.
  • Instead of sending the amount entered to the dragged-to inventory (the station), the game does nothing - indicating that ENTER here defaults to CANCEL instead of GIVE.
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Just to add data - issue 2 was already happening before the UI/inventory changes. (It is possible that 1 may also have been, but I didn’t experience it to be sure - and there’s no guarantee that just because it is the reverse of 2 it is necessarily connected, they could be two separate causes.) 3 and 4 are both definitely caused by the new UI/inventory, and @Zannia has been able to identify the specific cause for these two.

The second issue (3 and 4) also seems to happen between player inventory and any container, so it also happens when interacting with chests, for instance.

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