So I decided to compare them all before and after. Before with a T4 thrall (epic flawless) and after with T4 armorer thrall (specialization doesn’t affect the attributes as per my tests):
Full Delved Set
Siptah Live (Epic Flawless)
Siptah TestLive (T4 Armorer)
Black Knight
7 str; 8 vit
6 str
Black Privateer
5 agi; 5 acc; 5 grit
10 grit
7 str; 8 survival
6 survival
2 agi; 10 vit; 2 acc; 2 grit; 2 enc; 2 survival
6 vit
Durable Heavy
0 attr
0 attr
Durable Light
0 attr
0 attr
Durable Medium
0 attr
0 attr
Dune Hunter
5 str; 5 agi; 5 acc
10 acc
Frost Giant
8 str; 7 vit
6 str
15 grit
10 grit
7 agi; 8 acc
6 acc
Night Stalker
7 str; 8 agi
4 str; 8 agi
8 agi; 7 enc
6 agi
5 str; 5 agi; 5 survival
10 str
7 enc; 8 survival
6 survival
5 str; 5 vit; 5 grit
10 str
War Court
15 str
10 str
Wild Druid
5 vit; 5 enc; 5 survival
10 survival
If the armors are not bugged, then why should we even craft these armors when we can get similar or even higher stats with standard vanilla armors which are cheaper to craft and maintain and require no eldarium and research.
knowing that siptah armor take long time , and lot of grint to be unlocked, so should be normal to have this armor better than any others… if a parameter to change, well make them harder to unlock (lower probability to get on delv workbench)
Let’s not forget that in addition to difficulty learning the feat and the higher cost to craft, these armors are currently also balanced against other comparable sets by having lower armor values… if they’re not even giving as much of a stat bonus as their contemporaries, they’ll be straight-up cosmetic items.
If this isn’t a bug we better get to crafting so we have tons of these old sets since they will forever be the best end game armor. And if it’s not a bug it also ruins the entire endgame of the map. No reason to do vaults, eldarium is worthless, the armor sucks, and its not needed for summoning. No reason to barter and trade since you only need a little bit to make the weapons you want and you beat the game with only doing 2 or 3 vaults.
This better be a bug/oversight. Spent every eldarium i found on recipes, would rather not see that become wasted. Aint no way i will use those if this sticks.