Siptah decorations in Exile lands and purge thrralls

there is quite a few things it could be easily ported to El, since siptah is supposed to be an expansion, why the pirate banners are not in EL? why is it the ruiner, and others recipes can be found in EL?

why is it the old purge thralls have not been made part of the world spawns? its an asset not being used , for no reason! XD


Unconfirmed if for example Aesir Warriors can be hired in Taverns or rescued from cages in Exiled Lands, while named Votaries of Skelos fighters can be hired in a Tavern or rescued from cages on Isle of Siptah.

Yes but only wolrd spawns … i have not seem the elusive purge fighters or anything purge yet

I think by now every available named fighter from cages after a purge has been discovered. And there just may be more possible spawns with thralls that can be hired in a Tavern. Mei The Blade and Vais The Wayfaerer were two named thralls I could and did hire on Isle of Siptah.

yes, i know, siptah has its thralls plus EL, but EL does not have siptah nothing except the bearers and some dancers!

That’s actually surprising. Usually it’s the other way around with Siptah getting the short end of the stick. Aesir Warriors and Colvrik The Blade not hirable in Taverns in The Exiled Lands why?

colvric the blade was in age of war, aesir warriors, or any of the other strong fighhters they never came to EL. XD.

colvric the blade can be found in cage lv7 purge

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It was possible to get Aesir Warriors in the Frost Giant Purge, a variant of the old purges. I had a Frost Giant Purge the day before Age of War dropped and was able to thrall Dances With Bears and a few named Aesir crafters.

TRUE. I was able to get one of those aesier armorers from it, (sitap t4) ahh those old days.

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