Smaller gates please!

I love building but the gate/door options doesnt fit with anything worth building… Why not have gates thats 2x2… The current doors are too small and the 3x4 gates are just way too big. Please add that into the vinila game as it would make the world of building just so much easier. Ty


Others have suggested that. It would be a great addition. A4 block gate makes for high ceilings but can be worked around. Takes 2doors to prevent thralls blocking. Lets have a 2 dollar mini gate dlc.


It would be nice to have a gate big enough for a horse to walk through without needing the 3x4 gate.


Would be even nicer to be able to open the gate while riding. Yeah, I know it’s not “realistic”, but it would be a nice QoL improvement anyway.


Definitely, I thought about making a suggestion for that but decided that this isn’t a good time to be requesting more changes :confused:


Honestly, it never is. Just make a suggestion. Nobody’s going to force Funcom to implement it. And if they decide to implement it, nobody’s forcing them to make it buggy :stuck_out_tongue:


Hmm… I have lots of Thralls hanging around. Why can’t one of those lazybones open my gate for me?


Heck, I would be satisfied even if they added a thrall slot to the gate – I’ve got plenty of thralls lying around in chests :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree, smaller gates and different shaped gates would be a genuinely nice addition, especially if Thrall operated for a sort of automatic gate, as would roof and awning pieces that work for a greater variety of builds, as well as a host of other good ideas that have been suggested and could have been implemented but never were. Unfortunately, you will have to look to the modders and private dedicated servers for this as Funcom never did any of it and Tencent is more inclined to just break everything that worked fine before.


Agree on the smaller gates. If I may expand upon that a little; also double doors and building pieces with larger windows too please.


I have seen a mod for a smaller gate which i believe was 2 units high and 2 units wide. It would be greatly appreciated.

Requested a dozen of times, all we get are resikns of what already exists…


Aint no harm in requesting it again. Want this. 3x4 does not suit anything i tend to build.


With LBPR mod you can tweak the gates to get a 3x3… but it’s still too big for many of buildings.
Yes, vanilla 2x2 gates would be really appreciated !


It would be even nicer if you could ride an elephant :elephant: or larger animal :orangutan: :whale: :t_rex:. In this case, a 3x4 gate would make sense.

I practically don’t use this huge gate at all. I always try to build small things, such a gate is often larger than my building. That’s why I’d love :heart: to see the medium gate in the game.

:100: :white_heart:

The mod “Glass Constructions and More” has 2x2 gates, nice windows and doors. Sadly, mods can´t touch DLC. And of course the little remote for opening… Beep :robot:

i have also always wanted a tall narrow double door that was one block wide and two blocks high.
Kinda like this:


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