Soothing bug back after crash patch

Game mode: Online
Problem: Bug
Region: North America

The Soothing bug, which causes health regeneration to go through the roof, and which has been introduced and reintroduced via several patches, is back again. It came back the last time with the mounts update, then it appeared to have been patched, and once the patch dropped to stop the crashing on the 1 & 1S it reappeared.

Playing on an official server, PvP, and I’m on a 1X but have clan mates on the 1S that also experience it.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Get the Soothing buff.
  2. Take a lot of damage.
  3. Watch your health instantly regenerate.
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At first I thought maybe they just boosted passive regen at bit (I checked and it said 2.0/sec), and thought “okay, that’s cool, less food to waste I guess.” Then after playing a couple of hours, I noticed my regen was at 17.5/sec and … yeah.

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