Sound stops working randomly - Steam

I have mine working once again, although I never know when it may be temporary. I checked for the most recent updates for anything connected to sound, BIOS, etc. No updates needed to be applied.

So I right clicked on the speaker icon in the system tray and selected “Sounds”. This brought up the Sound dialog box. Unfortunately I changed a few settings at once instead of my usual one at a time and test.

Under the Communications tab I changed it to “Do nothing”.
Under the Playback tab I doubled clicked Speakers/Headphones.
Enhancements tab, I re-enabled all sound effects, unselected “Immediate mode” and then checked “Disable all sound effects” again.
Under the Advanced tab I have it set to Studio Quality for the format and then deselected everything under “Exclusive Mode”.
Clicked OK to close the Speaker/Headphones dialog box.
Clicked OK to close the Sound dialog box.
Restarted Steam and launched the SWL patcher.

Set everything to Default in the patcher.
Launched the program.
Sound worked BUT Integer sound was still selected from an earlier troubleshooting session I did today when I checked it in game.
Sooooo I changed that back to Auto from the in game menu and re-launched. Sound still worked.

I have been here before and the sound has suddenly started working and lasted a couple of days, a week, and even a month.

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