Stamina does not recover anymore

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Official server #1975 PvE
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

The stamina does not recover anymore. It stills zero or negative value forever. I already logged out/in, took off all items. I also always had the no limit weigh feat.

Bug Reproduction:

I did not see it coming. Yesterday, I was harvesting seeds and suddenly was not able to make tool actions anymore.


This happened to me, but after sheathing my weapons or tools all is coming back… is it working for you?


Nope. I found out a way: Get myself dead. It works but after a couple of minutes the stamina gets empty and stop recover again. Then I die and works again and so it goes.

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in this game, the best way to resolve bugs is just to kill yourself. Almost every time I log in to my official server character my guy is locked in place and nothing can be done to get him to move. I have to kill myself just to start the day.

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Ya this one happened to me yesterday, after being stuck between a rocknose and a scorpion, I was loading out of the silver mine on Exile lands… This is very annoying…

Yep dude very annoying. Waiting some fix.

Still buggy! Still unplayable!

No Funcom feedback. No funcom efforts to fix those broken official servers.

I’m asking to Steam refunding. Bye.

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