Still not working after latest update

Single player here . update 1.85 still not working. Game is stuck at loading screen. After closing the game i get the meaningless error code CE-34878-0. If by any chance the game load it crashes not long after starting. I’m talking about Exiles Land. Isle of Siptah never load. I have not been able to play since update 1.80. Before that everything was OK. I whish we could roll back updates. As mentionned in a previous post i have all DLC.s except Riders of Hyboria. It seems to me that Funcom concentrate their effort with online play and don’t bother about single player. I wish they stop adding stuff and fix what’s already there. Finished playing Horizon Forbidden West a few weeks ago and the funny thing is that, i didn’t get a single crash. How come? I would like somebody to give me an answer to that.
I’m completed disgusted with the game . For the amount i paid for the game and the DLC’s i expect a better game experience than what i’m getting.



Yes the game still crashes but your siptah issue sound like something that happened to me too. Sestus gave me the great hint that solve my problem.
You need to go to your games lib and open Conan. There you have also all dlc listed and siptah should have a download button.
Just download it and you can start siptah again.

I hope this helps here. The crashes while playing i think not changed at all.
But the game runs smoother after last update on my ps4


PS4 Solo player here, How is your Exiles Game working?
Sorry I can’t offer any insight into Siptah, and I agree with the rollback idea would be amazing! A solid final release would be the dream. But how is your game running on Exiles Map?

Something definitely has changed with the last update Sorcery 2.0.
the game still crashes and the Event in Sepamaru took me 3 freeze crashes before I could finally complete it,
…But the game loads new ares faster, I can run through my base now. QoL is much improved, and riding my horse doesn’t crash me now, as this game used to struggle to load areas as I travel through the Exiled Lands.

Somebody somewhere did something and they made things better! Come on Funcom keep it coming! Casting with Sorcery still almost 100% crash-, but everything else is better!


I’m sorry to hear about the problems you are having. As I am sure you know when playing offline your ps4 working harder than online because it is also acting as the server I don’t have much experience offline let us ask a couple friends for advice first @Croms_Faithful a offline player from the beginning. Second @stelagel who test runs offline @LostBrythunian I not sure how much you have played offline but any input would be welcome.


@Kalisto01 can you play online if so let me know.

Do you have old builds in you sp servers? Before the update 3.2 I deleted everything and since then I can play almost flawless and my loading screens are very fast. But I keep no builds in my single player anymore, I fix what I like and then delete everything! Yet I do this because I love the performance I get when I do not preserve builds in my map. I don’t think some builds can hurt. But my old builds are all gone and I can finally play!


While investigating another wibble, this one successfully loaded (after a few moments) the single player game and got to playing.
Stability is much improved and render speed is better.
Not the best ever, but better.

That said, the initial load for lightly developed Siptah was quick. Ish. 5 minutes

Moderately developed Exiled Lands map took a very long time, froze twice during the loading and finally made it the third time. Once in it is running fairly smooth (best since sorcery dropped).

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Hi Damon,

The game is running online better since this update. Its smoother and a walk to sepermeru was fine. But it still has the freezing problems.
Heard something about its better now. I can’t tell that. At my last session of playing 4h I had 4 freezes. One while opening bp menu. Second while placing a cat at my base. Third at sepermeru while entering the winecellar. Not very cool to leave your body offline at this point… So I came back and decided to go back home and offline. Right back at my home again a freeze.

Rendering and performance are better but the freezes getting worse for me. And doing a spell online still not possible but who cares about sorcery it’s not the main part of this season :sweat_smile:
For real I don’t need the spells.


Crashes have been happening for me too sestus2009, but they have been sporadic and kind of sparse. But with that said, as you well know my friend I am far from devoid of other issues to contend with right now, ranging from Encounters never initiating, to one hit truncheon knock outs, to poor rendering speeds, to the entire Volcano biome have zero NPC spawns.

I am usually happy to receive some new content, but the issues are REALLY starting to pile up here. The Playstation version needs some love. Funcom please, place greater focus and emphasis on some fixes for the Playstation version until things are stabilised again.


Understand that good buddy :+1:. We logged in this morning with no problems. We are wishing you the best.


Heya ConanBoDk,

Really appreciate your reply bud, you @ConanBoDk and @stelagel tmotivated me to restart a gameplay with an embarrassing amount of hours into it, spanning several full game plays, with many artifacts including keeps (now hostile) full of loot and enemy fighters, some in currently unbuildable areas and now archived versions of legendary gear i.e. old Yog’s Touch with the pre-nerf stats.

Anyways lots of stuff I said goodbye to. sniff
Game is running much better. Too early to say too much yet, So far I have been able to trigger events and engage on multiple occasions without crashing, before running my new low level character away, away away.

I have also been able to play without crashes, yet, over several hours of gameplay. Still too early to say too much, but things are greatly improved. Thanks all.


Exactly the same, we are all afraid from what we suffer before! But the way it is now it looks very promising! I managed to do so many tp with the transportory stone that I saw my character getting this numbers

The definition of full corruption :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I didn’t had a single crush tho I moved all my base, demolish, rebuild and moved all my followers…
I begin to feel safe again playing normally in official servers! My dear friend @Damon, I have a full base in 8080. If you want to take your chances playing in officials again, it’s all yours! It has numerous named crafter and really good thralls. I played about 2 full weeks for it! Please make the test!

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You should take @stelagel up on the offer never seen any one who can gather like him :wink: @Damon


Thank you for the kind offer @stelagel , just as much as I enjoy Conan Exiles when everything is working, I just don’t have it in me to online anymore.

Multiple forced server merges, level 60 characters transfers that disappear, or are locked at some future time, and still left in limbo, neighbours that are toxic with overbuilds, and block resources and a complaint system that takes weeks or months to address issues haphazardly. (Online is for people that have a certain amount of time, and by its nature burns people out.) Single player is sustainable, for me,

Thank you for the offer guys.
But I’m done with online play for the foreseeable future. :+1:

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I understand that no one should pressure you to play online. Do what you enjoy. Looking forward to hearing how you are doing in the future in the Forum.


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