Can't start new single player game for Siptah

Hi, I’m running Conan Exiles on a PS5. I’ve played for years on PS4 or PS5 with only minor problems, but now I’m unable to start a new game for the Isle of Siptah. I’ll select the map and level, but when the loading screen for the new game appears the game will crash with the message ‘Something went wrong with this game or app’. I’ve tried dozens of times and have reinstalled the game with no luck. Any ideas?


Perhaps @LostBrythunian or @stelagel might be able to assist?


This one wishes, but as our good friend @Croms_Faithful can attest, sometimes the game simply refuses to open in single player on PStato, regardless of whether one is on a PS4 or PS5.

As it’s a new game that’s failing to start, it shouldn’t be corrupted memory.

Other than ensuring both the game and your system are updated (which is very likely as the PS5 automates that) there’s not much to be done.

How much free space do you have on the console?
This game is an absolute memory hog and only gets worse with every update.


If you have an alt account, try to start a new game with your alt. It will start properly and restore the issue on your main. Good luck m8 and welcome to the forum :metal:.

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Maybe it is the same that happens to me and others after update in the past.

Reinstalling the game does not helped me but re-download the Siptah dlc. Just go to the store and push the button addons. There you see all downloadable dlc. Just redownload the Siptah dlc


@Scrubber I had been suffering from being unable load my Singleplayer game for a prolonged period of time. In addition to the advice given by other members, all I can add is I) try to restore licenses on you your console, II) try to rebuild the database on your Playstation and see if that helps, or III) try to log in on a Private or Official server first, even of only briefly, and see if that gets things moving. The later appears to be what helped pull me out of my predicament. In the absence of any official suggestions on how to workaround this, what we have here is all we can advise. Sincerely…good luck @Scrubber.

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