Terrain glitches in various locations

And now it thinks the post is ‘empty’ what a great new system this is…

TeleportPlayer 31843.726563 200114.421875 -16567.158203

I have another 15 screenshots (with teleport coordinates) of similar issues (some more minor, some similar level). Is it better if I add them each as separate bug reports, or (eg) add them below in this thread?

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Greetings DanQuixote!
Thank you for your report.

In order for our team to fully assess your issue, could you send us all the teleport coordinates that you have please? The screenshots are not strictly necessary :slight_smile:

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

Hello HighSaint,
no problem, please find the coordinates below. One of the telltale signs with whatever is going on is that the raised areas have no added solidity, the character’s legs sink in to whatever the normal ground level would have been - it is purely an appearance of distortion.

Some of these will be more noticeable than others, but all are areas where the ground has raised to some degree or other from its previous position.

  1. TeleportPlayer 106220.46875 118329.429688 -13333.849609 (altered texture along ridge)

  2. TeleportPlayer 93318.828125 127217.851563 -13438.952148 (raised and distorted edge - there is a second instance immediately up the hill from the first towards the coal nodes)

  3. TeleportPlayer 97500.96875 118066.164063 -12625.864258 (distortion along edge of path towards top)

  4. TeleportPlayer 92593.085938 120687.015625 -11603.012695 (harder to spot, just a slightly raised strip that wasn’t there until suddenly it was)

  5. TeleportPlayer 103988.359375 111459.117188 -13408.790039 (small amount against cliff base, more becomes visible when you harvest the rock from in front of it)

  6. TeleportPlayer 19696.140625 104127.015625 -9827.545898 (similar to 4, just a low smooth raised area that the feet sink into - again, just something that wasn’t there before)

  7. TeleportPlayer -102838.625 -4217.493164 -4299.001465 (unnaturally straight raised ridgeline - harder to spot through the grass)

  8. TeleportPlayer -179374.5 11294.696289 -11323.186523 (odd lump at the top of the path)

  9. TeleportPlayer -199822.671875 61400.8125 -9145.928711 (odd lump and jagged edge close by)

  10. TeleportPlayer -209907.578125 49698.769531 -8821.27832 (looking at the edge of the low ridge alongside, multiple jagged points that appear and disappear as you move closer or further away)

  11. TeleportPlayer -82235.539063 83352.554688 -9183.382813 (raised distortion)

  12. TeleportPlayer 2040.640625 165147.296875 -8612.623047 (straight ridges in the ground near base of rock)

  13. TeleportPlayer -9045.053711 170415.875 -8516.561523 (half a dozen long straight ridges extending directly out from the cliff edge at fairly regular intervals)

  14. TeleportPlayer 8825.085938 199993.296875 -16133.852539 (another very minor one, similar to 4 and 6 - just a raised area that wasn’t there before (it’s where I regularly ‘park’ my horse, so I noticed the change)

The remaining 2 (seems I miscounted, sorry) I’ll include below with screenshots to help clarify what I mean in those instances.

All of these initially appeared a couple of chapters back, if that has any relevance (but at the time I was playing with mods, so wanted to check properly in a clean unmodded save before reporting). As I said, hardly a matter of great urgency, but I figured they should be reported (in case they are a symptom of a bigger issue to come, if nothing else).

These last two relate to cave entrances and do not appear anywhere near as severe in the unmodded game as they sometimes have in a modded save. (However, they were inconsistent when they did appear, sometimes bad, sometimes minor like these screenshots, so I can’t be certain whether they will reappear in future). When they were at their worst, the jagged distortions (minor example shown in the first screenshot below) filled pretty much the entire cave entrance - giving the appearance of being sealed shut, but could walk through without a problem. The two caves I have taken shots from are the two that I experieced the issue at, I have not been able to identify the same at other caves (though that may be luck of timing).

TeleportPlayer 5073.823242 196856.3125 -15656.379883

It seems to be a distortion of the point where the two texture types meet

TeleportPlayer 46591.015625 268581.96875 -19670.394531

On this one, all I could find on the clean game was that the rocks on each side of the entrance are ‘swollen’ and the players feet sink in (in the modded game it sometimes also showed the same sort of distortions as the first cave, filling the cave-mouth). Not sure whether this one’s an issue at all at this point.

I hope that helps.

Please let me know if you need any more info.

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Thank you so much for all this information and valuable insight DanQuixote!
Our team will take it from here :slight_smile:

Continue conquering the lands!

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