Testlive Patch (21.10.2020) - Update 2.1: Economy update, Character re-customization and Family Sharing settings

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Please Fix /Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/E_WeaponComboType so it doesn’t have to be an unshareable enum

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Yeah, either a change to the colour box sizes, or an increase in the scroll range (if that’s even the right words…) would be great. Even before this I found I couldn’t access the final row of some options (think I was using Emberlight at the time). Of course, with the new added options there may be less ‘need’ for mods adding options, but that doesn’t mean we won’t still want them if we can have them :wink:

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CodeMage are you using alt family-sharing accounts to by pass event log on officials? :slight_smile:

Theses accounts will not be able to log in on officials servers, so created characters buildings will decay.

Finally a good point, I think many cheaters use alt family-sharing accounts to protect their main account from ban.

Story time? Story time. Back before the new server rules, I was playing on 1821 PVE-C happily, until a clan of griefers moved in. They started paving over important spots, walling people in, and all that “good stuff”. Back then, BattleMetrics allowed you to track what servers a specific player is playing on, so even if you moved to another server, griefers could follow you.

That’s why a bunch of us created new Steam accounts and used those to create new characters on 1823 PVE-C. After a while, when we felt fairly safe, most of us created characters on 1823 using our main accounts.

So, yeah, I have alt family-sharing accounts on officials. That’s why I want to know what’ll happen to those characters. I would gladly delete my alts, but there isn’t actually an option to delete a character, only to recreate it.

And if this change means I can’t ever log back into 1823, that’s also fine. I would just like some forewarning, so that I can get detailed screenshots of my favorite builds, since I lost the single-player file where I designed them :slight_smile:

Good enough for you? :wink:

EDIT: To clarify, what I’m using on 1823 is my main. I used the alt at first to avoid being stalked by the griefers, but after a while I started feeling safe and brought my main to 1823.


Because it may not be immediately obvious to others; with named thralls a hammer means durability, a dagger means damage and a broken shield means penetration.

Also, as a single data point, Hyan Hammerhand is Durability and Kot-Arok Steelbender is Penetration. So yes, there definitely is some backwards compatibility.

I’m a little un-impressed by the boosts that you get to weapons from named thralls. For example, the penetration on an epic poitan sword goes from 7% to 9% if you use a penetration smith to craft it. If you use a durability or damage smith, the penetration goes from 7% to 8%.


U, u, u! Has the storm attacking building pieces outside it’s radius been looked at?
It occurs when malestorm monsters chase a player outside the storm radius and get close to her/his buildings.
Based on that, I guess, the storm also attacks buildings near its monsters? Is it meant to?

Nice story, alt can be usefull sometimes!


Seems very, very promissing. And its on testlive, which means feedback and time to test things out.

I think that we need some PVP fellas testing the craft bonus on gear, seems like a potential balance issue.

looking forward for this patch!!

I just started to play in the TL and all the thralls i had in my SP game have specialization, so, as i see you don’t have to worry about it.

In a quick check i did, T4 armorer thralls have 3 different specializations, they still craft items better than the player, so even without a exceptional or flawless tag, they still are worth getting, even t1 to t3 armorers have slightly better armor durability and weight results on the item crafted, you can see the examples in the picture:


Is the T4 specialization tied to the specific T4, or is it random, or is it something the player can influence? In other words, is Njoror Battleborn (for example) always going to have the same specialization?

Also, are cultural armorers still a thing?

Sorry for the questions, but I can’t play right now and I don’t have space for TestLive anyway, so I thought I would ask :wink:

EDIT: Forgot to thank you for the info. I apologize, I’m just so stoked about this :aaaaaa:


Lot of cool additions and fixes in this update. But sadly i don’t see the one that makes me pull my hair out every time i play and that’s the issue with followers standing right on top of you all the freaking time. Especially when harvesting minerals. its hard to hit the mining node when your camel is standing right on top of you making your char’s body angle upwards to swing at the air. Or when climbing up stairs or steep inclines and your gazelle follower hits you from behind knocking you off the steps or cliff causing you to fall to your death (several times now)

Or (and this might be a different issue all together) when your climbing up a cliff and your horse spawns right above you on the cliff and as it falls it knocks you off the cliff to your death. And again in the harpy vault your horse spawn right on top of you when standing in the nests and knocks you off the nest to your death. freaking horse has killed me so many times i named him death.


The type appears to be tied to the specific thrall. I spawned Hyan Hammerhand 8 times and he was durability every single time.

There are new thralls in the admin panel that specifically have durability, penetration or damage in their “name”.

Don’t know if breaking on the wheel as normal changes this but I would be supremely shocked if it did.


Hear hear

So, with exceptional and flawless going away, plus improvable stats, does this also mean the stat mod table is getting cleaned up/made more modular?

The ex-database administrator in me died a little every time I had to make or update 15 rows of +2 agi or whatever instead of just having a generic modifier that could be shared by a whole set. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot for this. Doesnt seem that bad now.


i am concerned about lack of knowledge points. all these new benches cost a total of 70 points + 10 points for the vanity. as you have to get the normal bench, master bench before you can unlock grandmaster bench.

i am already at 0 with just normal stuff that i use daily. and that doesnt include anything that is “fun” like furniture maker, dyes, etc.

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I didn’t check that but i had a njoror battleborn in my bench and he had Weight speciality, i spawned another njoror and had the same, but i don’t really know if that was pure luck or intended.

I’m not sure to be honest, but they changed some armor names and Njoror didn’t had the vanir armors in his “crafting specialities”, insted he could craft dancer and blacksmith outfits, i don’t remember if he had also bearer backpack aswell…

Edit: I spawned 10 Njorors and all of them were Weight specialist, so i guess yes, they all have a fixed Specialization.

Cultural armors must obtained by spending feat points and they are not part of the list of recipes the armorer know.

They removed the specific parts of armor padding (in example head padding, hands padding, legs, etc.) and instead they introduced a single padding that works with each part of the armor (nice change), now we need light, medium or heavy padding for they respective armor type.

The different benches have different uses, the regular armor bench and imp. bench work as normal, if something they included regular armors in the imp. bench.
There is a campaign armor bench, items cost more to craft but quicker, and there is a garrison armor bench, cost less but takes more time to craft. You can check the cost here:Untitled-1


Farm Fragments of Power.


Fortunately, there are fragments of power and tablets of power that can help with that. Even on Siptah, it’s easy to accumulate a decent amount of them.

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I have nine fragments and no recipes I know that I want to spend them on. So yeah, not a problem.