There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their base camp

:brazil: Calma sei resolver esse problema estou gravando para mostrar aqui bug

If you cannot ‘walk’ with no jumping to your doors, same with purge. it will not work.

in the case of my foundation path, the ground level foundations are literally that. any lower and they would be beneath the map. this is in a VERY flat desert area between the NE side of the forbidden city (near the gate by the brute skeleton) and a scorpion king. the foundations are lower than some rocks that can also be easily walked over.

I guess my next test will involve adding stairs to the leading edge, even though they will then be underground

I got the same problem, purge don’t spawn.
I suppose because the coffer is in the second floor of the building and stygians are too much lazy to go up a couple of ramps. :sweat_smile:

Maybe Funcom should give to us the ability where to set the stygian camp instead give that to some random routines unable to manage also the complexity of the terrain of the Exiles Land.

Your base should still be fine. It has more to do with the server condition.

In the official server I play on this will happen when the owners of the mega bases log in. Rendering their trash will sometimes make it unable to summon purges until server reset.


You need to start with a fresh thought process and tackle the purge.

A lovely aesthetic pleasing base may not work for a purge.

It’s a new system, time for a change in thinking.

I thought so too, based on the X level purge where the FOB appears directly opposite the gate, but this doesn’t seem to apply to low level purges. I just carried out a level I purge on the same base. This time the FOB formed completely out of sight. The attackers fled from afar, from behind a distant hill. When their leader called me to battle, I could not find this base for a long time, it was so far and inconveniently located. Moreover, from the gate of my base to the coffer there is still an additional 30 meters.

I had interesting successful triggering of the Purge:

I’ve built a “Mines of Moria” -style base in The Crevice. Literally inside the large, natural cave. All entrances closed by a thick wall with gates. Previously the Purge failed to spawn, but the route to the Coffer was pretty complicated maze through a gate, hallways, doors and stairs, so no wonder.

Then I moved my Coffer in a “throne room” I built in far end of The Crevice’s other entrance, where there is the large pit. To reach the Coffer, the Purge would have to go through the first gate and pretty long way through the cave filled with built structures.

I clicked the Proclaim Wealth just to see it fail like before, but to my surprise a Level 8 Purge came knocking on the door. They even managed to blast through the gate and reach far end of the cave through the base all the way to the treasure room/throne room.

I would not have been able to stop it with my feeble defense, but the overeager Demolishes broke the foundations around the Coffer causing it to be stranded from the Purge Camp and the attack was stopped. I don’t know how far the Camp even was, but it had to be pretty far from the Coffer as The Crevice is a long cave.

Hoping this can be useful for some other, i’m adding my tests.
In very short, i’ve added a coffer just in the outside and closer to a gate first.
This have worked and a purge was coming, from not so far away to the gate.
The stygian camp is something of really big, as i can see.

Second test, same position of the coffer, in this case the stygian camp was rezzed by the system in another position and the invaders was coming from this side (i had a very big base on SP with some gates and areas to reach any area.

Third test, i’ve removed the coffer and then put it inside the same gate of the first purge.
In this case, even before the purge was working fine, the system refuse to work, the coffer was totally accessible because was in a 2x6 space inside the aesir walls without further doors aside the gate.

4th test, i’ve moved again the coffer inside my arena, so an open space with a gate for access.
In this case, the purge work again, but the stygian camp comes again from the same side of the second purge, and also the invaders have choose another path to reach another gate, which make me think the system also try to calculate the shortest way possible to attack the coffer.
From this position, attackers have to break a stormglass gate, then a couple of simple doors, without attacking the coffer inside the arena from the main gate of the arena itself.

I’ve seen lots of players doing tower defense with those fire cauldrons and gas arrows. It’s actually funny.

I prefer open battle field, me, some friends and 45 Dalinsias vs the Stygians. So much fun. :rofl:


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I know this may not be the right way to do this and would be kinda wonky, but one idea to eliminate the issues with the purge camp not spawning is to have the devs create a 2nd item you have to place down like a flag that has its own visible radius when your trying to place it that is the size of the camp and any obstructions block it, so essentially you would place your coffer, then go place your “battle standard” where you want the purge camp to spawn and then go back and claim your wealth. That way if you cant place the battle standard due to obstructions you could work to eliminate that problem.


:brazil: Solução :relieved:

I’m still getting this. Purge only spawns when gates and doors are open. Attack will start, but if I close the gates (like you would) Purge gives up
 No sign of the demolishers?

Same problem here. Eventually got a purge to spawn by moving the coffer to the ground level and deleting an entire gate from my fortress. Not sure what the point of building defenses is if the purge won’t come unless they can basically walk straight in. Plentiful open space around my base area as well.

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You have to open the doors/gates and place the box inside your base on a self-
builded floor.

We also got big problems but after that its still running clean :slight_smile:

Last two purges worked fine, last one being last night. Today, the purge can’t find a location to set camp, even though nothing changed on my base. This is definitely bugged and not just because “you need to open gates” or “move coffer”.

Has anyone gotten a response from Funcom about this? I am in G9 with all kinds of room around my base, but it fails repeatability.

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When I am on the official server I get the error “There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their basecamp.”

But when I am in single-player, the purge starts within 30 seconds.

Exact same location. Exact same set up. I don’t know why one works and the other fails.

New update doesn’t say anything

Same here only I was getting the purge no problem but today all of a sudden not working. Seriously did they get tired of the same 2 spots?