There is no reachable location for the purge to setup their base camp

I honestly think it only tries one location. So if your particular base has 5 potential spawn points but 3 of them don’t work for some reason, you’ll have approximately a 40% success rate because it may randomly choose one of the non-working ones, attempt to path and say “nope!” and you get the failed message. Of course, this sometimes means you can try 20-30 times in a row with no success and then “suddenly” it works because it picked a good spot.

But without clear messaging as to WHY there is no reachable location and without cycling across multiple potential spawn points, the players are just left frustrated, particularly when a purge that works suddenly stops for what seems like no reason at all.

Any other possibility to get a barkeeper since the purge doesn’t seem to work quit well? I altered my base the last couple of hours and still no purge possible…

from my humble point of view, it would be an idea to create a link between the treasurer and the possible point of appearance of the enemy base. This is a change that Funcom programmers should make. Let me explain better: you place the treasurer in your base and place the link where the Purge should appear in an open place. The Purge appears and should travel the stretch of road between treasurer and your apparition base.
I write this because if I repeat the Purge several times without moving the treasurer and without changing the geometry of my base; It happens that Purge bases appear in different places around my treasurer and every fourth time it gives me a base spawn error. I believe that fixing a place of appearance, eliminating randomness, is fundamental.
Funcom what do you think?

I’m not sure how this would work, especially on populated servers. Does the “purge spawn spot” count as landclaim? If not, what if someone builds on top of it? What’s the potential for griefing (placing the spot behind another base, essentially putting that base between the spot and your coffer)?

The randomness is nice, imo. Funcom just needs to work out the issue of a spot not working but the purge continuing to try that spot. Cycling through all possible spawn locations and, if it can’t find ANY, then it gives you the no spot error, rather than only trying one spot and failing when there are other spots that consistently work, should be a workable solution.

I had to set my treasure coffer outside the gates. :pray:

But this can’t and shouldn’t be the „solution“.


Sometimes not even that works, lol

My partner built a purge base. Tested it as just the exterior boundaries, with the stairs/gate, to see if a purge could spawn. Was pretty reliable so base building continued. Once the actual walls and foundations were set, try again. Suddenly it stopped. Nothing had changed about the location, nothing had changed about the shape, it just…didn’t work.

We moved the coffer around inside the base. Nothing. Removed the gate. Nothing. Put the gate back, worked. Then stopped working again. We moved the coffer all the way down in front of the stairs, outside the base, and it still wouldn’t work. The times the purge did work, they all spawned from the exact same location. Pretty sure this particular spot just had very finicky spawn spots and if it didn’t choose the one working one, it failed over and over again.

Since this was supposed to be a purge base, the likelihood of failure was too high to bother using it for that purpose. Wasn’t worth the hassle.

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I think I just want to skip over to the barren desert and build a purge base. We know it will spawn.

The videos all show something easy coming down from the clan leaders or the dominating icon. :thinking:

I’ll point out a buffer overrun before I bid on the exploited.

So I discovered that if I deactivate the auto closing of the gates and leave them open the purge starts… xD
Then of course I close the doors and after a while the purge stops because the attackers discovered there is no more chance to get to the treasure… well that’s the purpose of doors and gates. Keeping enemies out. xD

sadly, i’ve had the purge fail utterly to path to a coffer sitting in an open field…

also, built a base in the flat barren desert. more often than not, no path found with vast tracts of… land available to place a purge base. I guess the scorpion spawns blocked the purge, the pansies…

I still hold out hope that some future patch will make the game playable again.

Placing a link on the ground for the purge base should immediately give positive or negative feedback so you can better manage your gaming experience by eliminating downtime. for those who have built bases in inaccessible places… it will be their own business….

That still doesn’t answer the question of how it would work, logistically, for servers with more than a few people.

  • Does it count as landclaim, so it prevents someone from building nearby?
  • How close to your existing landclaim would it have to be to not create issues with other existing builds?
  • How might players abuse it to grief others and what potential circumventions would need to be coded to try to prevent that?

It’s a pretty idea but it’s not nearly so straightforward.

To date the only problems I am experiencing and I think other people are having the same problem, are blocked path and inability to enemy base depot.
There is no clear indication of the reason so you will never know if the error is due to the treasurer’s location or if from the surrounding areas for the enemy base depot.
Besides if you have spent 3 hours of your life building your own base with the treasurer specifically used for sieges.
Placing the treasurer on the ground and checking with a link the surrounding areas could be useful for two reasons:
first: you know that your treasurer is within 360° purge range.
second: you know there is a valid location for the purge base so no interference with other players’ terrain, no interference from architectural barriers.
Allowing the game a random choice could be exciting but rest assured, I write this from experience, the purge base will always be deposited in a 200 foundation radius (I don’t know the unit of measure) around your treasurer trying to avoid mountains and cliffs., once works, three doesn’t work…
Having a verification tool to perform an area test I think is a good starting point for a purge.

Just wanted to say that your advice became my solution, so thanks.

When I first ever used the new system, I made a 2x1 box building for the coffer. Purge wouldn’t initiate. After I realized that I myself had trouble getting to the coffer, I made a bigger box. That worked.

A few days ago, a problem with the same building that I never altered again. Got like 8 fails. But after reading your comment I realized there was something I did change: I had placed a new treasure right in front of the coffer. I moved it and got a purge.

So I second the advice: make sure your coffer is actually accessible for spawns. This means spawns being able to walk directly up to the coffer without treasure (or decorations, maybe guarding thralls, etc.) becoming a physical walking barrier between them and it. This may be why folks find it works when you’ve moved the coffer from what’s likely a blocked position to outside your building/gate where it’s fully accessible.