This game is unplayable

If that isn’t a broken metaphor, I don’t know what is. I’m not talking about players’ responsibility for taking advantage of the imbalances, I’m talking about what caused the imbalances.

There is literally no way for players to make the game unbalanced. The closest they can get is to demand changes on the forums and then Funcom implements that. And if you had bothered to pay attention to the context of my post, you would have understood that.

This again. Yes, “there’s always a choice”. I could “choose” not to play the game.

Yet there are reasons game design is such a complicated topic that there are tons of books about it and game development teams often have one or more people in a specialized role of game designer. One of those reasons is that “you could choose not to use certain aspects of the game” is not a valid answer to game balance questions.

I could recommend reading “Game Architecture and Design” by Andrew Rollings and Dave Morris, or “Fundamentals of Game Design” by Ernest Adams and Andrew Rollings, but in the end, it’s even easier than that – just go to Wikipedia:


This hitboxes are way off. He even got hits trough the big stone and when he wasn´t even close to the horse. You can clearly see that he tries to dismount the rider several times with his bow but isn´t able too do so even when he got him good. So his only option is to run like a chicken until he is out of buff and food and dead.


Imbalance is not bad.

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The old meta was fine yes ofc, because the roll wasn’t an OP mechanic that did a lot of damage, same with spear. Thing is with horses is that they deal x1.5 damage even if you move or standing still + bleed, but if u move u will get the chargedamage from the horse aswell. I understand that some people that wasn’t as good in old PVP style likes it, because they now get kills. And like I been saying, balancing the horses dosent mean that horses will be totally garbage, it will just be more fun and more variation in the PVP.

So everytime you should grab a wall and climb it up to be able to fight a horse, seriously? That sounds like really fun PVP good job. Joking PVP should be about skill, and not broken mechanics, and if you dont see horses like a broken mechanic ok, fine. Horses is one of many updates that didnt came out perfectly.

Yes, that’s exactly what he means. It’s good PvP because you’re taking away one of your enemy’s weapons. If he wants to continue the fight he will have to dismount and come after you on foot.


What we see in this video, isn´t it more a question of delay?
The rider is fast, and it is difficult to extrapolate for the game. This is a problem that is known in shooter games. You would have to move erratically to avoid more hits than the player in the vid does.

Enlighten me. Do you mean that, when you fight from a horse, the hitboxes of players get bigger? Or do your hits register in a bigger area (not only a greater reach)? If that was the case, then it would indeed need finetuning.

Yes, and how fun will that be in the long path may I ask?

It would be better if foot players actually could do something on ground against horses.

Nope, the hitbox from horseback is kinda weird. U dont need to aim exactly at your oponent to hit it with your weapon.

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Sry, but I cannot really live with “kinda weird” :man_shrugging: What exactly is wrong with it? When I try to hit a target that isn´t moving at all from horseback, I have to be quite precise. When I target moving objects, it´s different: Then the problem is to calculate in advance, where my target will be and where and when i will have to hit, right?

No, you could also stand on an elevated slope they’d have to ride around; or you could use a horse too. Again, only proving my point. You have options, you personally just don’t like the options.

Agreed. Some people need to get better at killing mounted opponents.

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Use the enviroment like stones and trees?
And to be honest: When ever changes come up the game is “unplayable” to all player which are not able or willing to change their personal style.

Right after the mount where introduces into the game a lot of threads with dozen of complains came up that horses are complete useless to PvP and that this dlc is a pure PvE dlc, and so on.

Now the horses are OP? How? Were the previous statements dumb or the current?
And even if the previous statement were dumb, how will FC know if the current are not dumb, too?

Place a palisade in front of you and one at your back and use a pike. You are able to hit your enemy without touching the palisade but your oponent has to go close to the palisade.

You don’t like to carry stuff and some additional weapons to counter the mounts? Then you have a problem not the game.

Sorry SirDaveWolf but the video you have chosen to proof your point that horses are an OP META that is beeing abused doesn´t explain anything to me. The guy is hanging around the Shattered Springs Obelisk on a populated PVP server and engages a random arrival, when at min. 2.30 a rider also from the obelisk approaches. So we have at least 3 parties of players with thralls fighting each other. The player dies at min 7, stabbed by the second guy on foot. That means, the fight lasts for 4 1/2 minutes in the flatness of the desert around Sepermeru Obelisk. How is that overpowered? Only thing I can see is the lag, that is not working to the players´ favor. So in the end, when he dies, it´s because of lag and that he doesn´t deal with the latency in an adequate way (not moving in a straight line, for example).

This is the top out of 16 comments under the video you posted:
(btw the first video that youtube proposes for the search “conan exiles horse pvp”)

Ausrys Alb vor 3 Monaten

Wht your ping nobady see lag?

Yes of course! That’s the solution! The rider will just camp next to the palisade, totally not noticing you hitting him, whilest you are invincible against the “Spikes!” debuff, that usually appears when you touch palisades, even on horse. And a pike on foot goes through a stack of palisades where the “same” pike from a horse doesn’t, because your pike when on foot gets a magical extension that will allow you to reach the moon…

Did you even try that? Because this comment is just laughable.

You don’t play PvP, at least on officials, don’t you? Like horses were trash back then, because:

  • Mace META
  • Bow META
  • OP thralls
  • No one really figured out how to use them correctly right after they were introduced (obviously it takes some time)
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It’s just one horse. Seems fair? In game it isn’t, as you see in the video.

That’s a normal thhing to happen on PvP servers, yes.

Maybe, could also be the backup from the guy who just got killed. Which is also normal on PvP servers.

He dies from the insane bleed and poison stacks done by the rider attacks. You see that by the animation. The horse guy still focused him, after his teammate arrived.

Yes, fights can happen everywhere on PvP servers. Especially obelisks, because people seem to like camping there with horses and ambushing others after they teleported.

Look at the time frames he is able to fight back. He may be able to shoot 2-3 arrows at some point (btw arrows were REALLY broken at that time). Most of the time, he is busy with dodging, and spamming debuffs and heals. Where is the actual PvP aspect in that?

This lag is a normal thing to happen on populated official servers. Especially when there is lots of raiding happening all around the map. The server has to calculate all the explosions and the damage being done, resulting in a low SFPS (Server FPS, aka tick rate). When the server is too busy handling all these calculations, then it’s also slow on handling player traffic that comes in at the same time (every button you press is sent to the server). If the server has only 3 frames per second to calculate all the things, lag and desync is gonna happen, that you can see in the video.

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I can like the options if they are valid but this options you told me are not.
But talking with people here seems hopeless, they only see their point as a good option. When it’s kinda obvious conan PVP sinking like a ship.

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i watch like 1-2 min frim this video and already can say what ppl in this video is totaly noobs who knows nothing about pvp in this game. use totaly usless weapons and armor…they have no idea about range and animations timing, cleaves, double charge and etc. and im 100% sure what they have total usless stats build. and after this noobs crying about horses. learn to play.
horses not OP at all.
btw i play in this game 2 years. 3600+ hours. so yea i know what im talking about.

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I can’t really see that you do if you dont see the problem. Why so many so scared of a balancing of horses? You afraid you not gonna be able to play the game like you do now? That’s exactly what others feel aswell.


i dont see any problems bcs i can kill hosreman 1 vs 1. bcs i know how this game work and i know how to fight. bcs i learn it and spend some times for understanding. for ppl who have brain and hands its not a problem at all.
ppl who “so scared of a balancing of horses” just simple noobs who dont even try to understand simple things. as i say i play 2 years. and i kill ppl b4 horses and i kill ppl after horses.
learn to play.
p/s I just want to say that rebalancing horses will not fix your crooked hands.

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Calling me for a simple noob is just showing that you clearly dont know a lot. But for the topic, I know how to play against horses aswell, but they are still OP compared to play on foot. If horseguy choose to run away he can just simple do it. And also the only weapon that really works against horse is bow. But 9/10 times the horse will win anyway.

You just summed up every single comment you have ever made on this forum ever. You are the most unreasonable person ever. You refuse to accept anything anyone suggest if it doesn’t agree 100% with what you want. Someone gives you an option. “NOPE! THAT’S NOT WHAT I WANT TO HEAR!”