Thralls and pets behavior!

we need to use thralls as way to creat army for raids and ability to command units give orders in real time via key bindings.

even when using one thrall I would like have ability to tell him during combat to switch form damage to a blunt to a missile weapon.

I also like ability to tell him where to attack, who to attack and when to fall back or to hold there ground.

I want use my thralls as proper guards to clear an area before I get into combat my self.

specially when i am pulling a knocked out slave behind me.

it also be awesome to be able to send barer thralls use them to transport goods between bases or send bring them with me and send goods back to the base for me.

it be really cool to have lumber jack thralls and mining thralls so forth that can be used to get resources for you so you do not have to go out all time.

there already mods out there that do these things be nice to have them in the game thought officially.

most annoying thing i want my 20 archer thralls on my walls to not run down my stairs and attack i want them to stay where they are stationed and shoot there bows at things near the walls.

the hand to hand stuff is for the 20 some thralls who are standing in front of the walls to handle.