first video is before shutdown server and changed settings you can see have severl animals and thralls as well as placed new one that was freshly broken
next video was recorded on pc as i reset the server and changed settings
last video is after server back online and as you can see all previous placed thralls are now gone as well as new thralls can’t be placed had to restart server a second time before would allow me to place new thralls.
We deleted the second video as the admin password was easily visible. We suggest you change it soon just in case
Regarding the issue at hand, could you try to increase thrall decay time back to 14 days and see if the problem still happens? There could be an issue in that setting if our hunch is correct.
ok will adjust that when get home not sure which one it is hope thats the problem if so means that its set that way from default when opened the server lol also password was already changed before made the video to dummy password and then changed after video
i adjusted thrall decay time to 14 as you suggested restarted server all thralls still disappeared.
did 3 more test same result.
i went back into settings and flipped the switch to disable thrall decay time completely restarted server and thralls did not disappear.
performed 3 more tests and thralls did not disappear in any of the tests so i would say the bug is in the thrall decay time on your end as the setting itself did not fix the problem but turning off thrall decay completely did fix it.
also can you explain what that setting even does? i left it at what it was set when opened the server as there is no information anywhere to be found on what it even does.
Thralls no longer use the hunger system, they decay instead. This timer is separate to building decay but the system is similar. By disabling it, thralls do not disappear when their owner does not log in for a certain period of time.
In your case there seems to be some sort of malfunction so we will send note to our QA about it and see if they can replicate this issue on their end.