Thralls standing on tables

Hi All, I am hoping the hive mind might help me to stop/prevent thralls from standing on tables(see picture).
I have cleared the tables(removed any jugs, fruit, bowls, mugs,cups), I have given a good deal of space for the thralls to move in and out. - change.
The only way to get the thralls to sit correctly is to have no tables and I pretty sure thats not how it works. So any pointers or advice would be welcome.


oh oh on a official server exiles map, PVE.

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Uninstall Star Citizen … or don’t let them see you playing it


While this bug is not fixed you can turn your tavern into a cinema, an auditorium, concert hall…,your worker thralls wont get stuck there at least

Sorry I dont understand, It a official server No Mods.

it’s a bug … ok, gotcha. Thanks for info’.

You’ve obvs never been to pubs in the UK on weekends? :smiley:

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