Thralls that sit down into a chair get stuck in a table after getting up

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: The Ragged Ones
Mods: Mod Control Panel, Less Building Placement Restrictions, Better Thralls, Accessory Wardrobe, Cookies Immersive Armour, Tot ! sudo, Tot ! custom, Teyahs Boutique, Ancient Armoury, Emberlight, Shimas Compedium

Bug Description:

Thralls that sit down on a chair with a table in front of it get stuck standing in or on top of the table, and dont move.

Bug Reproduction:

Place a table in front of a chair, let thrall wander in to sit on it, wait for it to get up.

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I would have provided pictures, but I literally just made an account to make the bug report. Not like its hard to reproduce…

Once you interact more in the forums you’ll be able to post pictures.

Unfortunately the chairs need to be pulled far away from the table for them not to do this, at this time :confused:

Unfortunately the chairs need to be pulled far away from the table for them not to do this, at this time :confused:

That’s fair enough, I just hope the devs know of this and will work out something. (Because I LOVE the taverns!)

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Greetings @MichaelTheLarge ,

Thank you for reaching out!

Can you, please, turn off your mods and let us know if this still happens?