Three months after Conan Exiles Launch, and Crimson Lotus flowers still can’t be harvested with a sickle!
There are dumb little bugs like this all over the game, and it makes me feel like the leaders at Funcom just don’t care about the quality of their products. It’s not a development team issue, it’s the CEO of the company who set’s the standard. And imo, it’s pi$$-poor.
Yesterday i harvested 350 crimson lotus in the swamp, then i went to the mount of the deads and my sickle wasn’t working anymore on the crimson lotus there.
If he is holding it wrong, then we are at least 2.
To clarify, I tried harvesting the crimson lotus plants at the Mounds of the Dead with a post MOA patch obsidian sickle, on an official PVP server. Got nothing but air.