Traveling with a map at The Sinkhole

Is it normal that when you use the map to go to The Sinkhole your thralls fall into the hole and lose 80%?
In addition if you don’t run like Bep bep away from the obelisk the bone dragon eats it as a snack…

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Since sorcerer update Thralls were sad They cant fight and when They SEE we flying they become jealous and now They are trying to fly but They dont know how to use spells so It IS happening now.

Or maybe Someone from funcom was drunked again before launch the update.:grin:

this isn’t normal but on meth it is

Welcome to Conan Exiles 3, Meth-Powered Edition!


This is the new normal. Age of War Chapter 4 introduced follower fall damage. I haven’t spoken to anybody who enjoys this change, but I could imagine that yeeting thralls off of your friendly neighbor’s cliffside base would be a nice way to have some fun.


I lost a lvl 20 thrall a couple of days ago as I went through a cave he apparently tried to scale the mountain and fell to his death. I was able to recover all his stuff but damn it is not good that they do that.

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Not normal. Because WHILE you teleport to your destination you can still be pushed or interacted with before the teleport/loading screen is done. I think it was suppose to be three seconds of safety after teleport. :man_shrugging:

It’s not only about thralls suffering falling damage, it’s the fact that they sometimes “fall” when teleporting, even onto solid ground. On the Isle of Siptah, if you enter or exit a Vault, your thralls may randomly take significant falling damage.

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This is excellent news. I haven’t been playing for a few weeks due to Stamina change (rough with Corruption) so I was unaware of this. The overall changes of this Age have honestly halted my play completely and while I respect other players’ desire to keep playing I just can’t honestly put myself through playing the game in this state. It’s just no longer a game that I enjoy playing- It’s that simple. I’ve been playing since just after the Xbox release date, even transitioning over to PC… But with enough nails in a fine wooden coffin, all you’ll ever see is the rust.


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