Trophy Help (The Tower of the Elepbant) [PS4]

Could someone help me get The Tower of the Elephant trophy on PS4 please?

It will on take a few minutes. Thanks.

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Sure. Send me a dm with your user name on PSN, fair warning i might ask you to come farm rock for me on official :smiley:

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Is the tower of the elephant working now last time we tried it was like we hit a invisible platform on victim’s head. Or can it not be done off of buildings now. Let me know please have people on my server who would like to get it.

Well I havent tried since I got the platinum trophy and I was unaware of a glitch. But if you needed a hand id be willing to try and replicate my method in offline.

Id be happy to come over to your main server to get my head squashed, but I figure youve tried the uhrm conventional methods lol.

Thanks I have it for my main character. It is the last time some one off of Conan-Exiles Bazaar wanted help it would work have not tried recently. My wife got it by accident when the game came out fell off the building on me of course we hadn’t heard it yet. Will have to try again this weekend.

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