Tower of the Elephant Trophy

Hey all.
Ive missed this trophy for quite a while as the only trophy before platinum on ps4/5. Ive tryed getting it with random encounters on so many servers so far. But everyone kills me before i can do it.
Can anyone in here lend me a hand with it ? Maybe we can help eachother getting it.
My psn: TruePeanuts


You want to do it in coop as the host.


As @darthphysicist says the only way I have seen it pulled off in a couple years is in coop I tried to help someone out on my private server even changed settings would not work. Originally my wife and I did it accidentally years ago.

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Well. No wonder i couldnt do it on a server then.

I still need help with it though. Just in coop instead then.

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I’ll be on later, will send you a PSN message.

We just did it. Thanks for the help guys.


Good to hear it works.

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