Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [German localization]
I am on Xbox One X with 4K TV.
The purge bar is not there. When I go to char screen it flashes short, but then remains only the text that describes how the purge bar works.
Very bad, because I cannot control if I want the purge or not
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Go to char screen
2.Missing Purge bar
When I compare to the screenshots in PS4 section with english language, the last textline is only one line. in the german localisation the line cause a carriage return (Säuberungen on extra line). This obviously causes the purge meter to be cut. Another difference with the 4k version , where the char is not cut, but the purge meter obiously is also missing. It seems to be a language-dependent UI-Issue….
One more question. How long does it take until the first attack?
I had already activated the cleaning and the attack took place after about 1-3 hours. (For a new game a year ago). Now I have been playing in single-mod for at least 20 hours and the bar is filled 1/3. How long are the intervals?
Greetings Salamanda